Hi All,
iam runing into to some techincal issue,i have telerik text box which is customized and i have EnableExtendedEditor icon control which will open text editor to change the value of textbox but when i disable EnableExtendedEditor it s not working i.e not disabling.
my code is like below
<tempo:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtMasterAIName" LabelCssClass="label" ControlCssClass="control" EnableExtendedEditor="true">
<TextBox Width="200px" />
<Label Text="Name:"></Label>
<Validator CssClass="validation" PropertyName="MASTER_AI_NAME" SourceTypeName="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.ViewEntity.AIMasterView, CGI.ESG.TEMPO.ViewEntity"
EnableClientScript="true" />
in javascript iam disabling like
function OnClientSelectedIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs) {
var item = eventArgs.get_item().get_value();
var licensePersonCode = sender.get_attributes().getAttribute("LicensePersonCode");
if (item == licensePersonCode) {
var txtMasterAIName = $find('<%= txtMasterAIName.ClientID %>');
txtMasterAIName.EnableExtendedEditor = false;
return true;
but its throwing javascript if i mention txtMasterAIName.EnableExtendedEditor = false; like object null
below is my custome textbox code
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TempoTextBoxControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.CommonControls.TempoTextBoxControl" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web" Namespace="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.UIBase" TagPrefix="tempo" %>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlLabel" runat="server">
<span id="lblValidatorFlag" runat="server" class="reqfield">*</span>
<asp:Label ID="lblText" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="txtData" EnableViewState="false"></asp:Label>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlControl" runat="server">
<telerik:RadTextBox ID="txtData" runat="server">
<tempo:ExtendedEditorPopup ID="edtPopup" runat="server" TextBoxID="txtData" NavigateUrl="~/Pages/AdvancedEditor.aspx"
OnModalOK="popupExtendedEditor_ModalOK" OnModalShow="popupExtendedEditor_ModalShow" RadWindowID="wndEditor">
<tempo:ClientDataAnnotationValidator ID="valData" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtData" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.UIBase;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Reflection;
using CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Common.Aspects;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.CommonControls
public partial class TempoTextBoxControl : TempoCommonUserControl
#region events
public event EventHandler TextChanged
add { txtData.TextChanged += value; }
remove { txtData.TextChanged -= value; }
#region properties
protected override string TooltipDefaultText
get { return lblText.Text; }
public bool EnableExtendedEditor
get { return (bool?) ViewState["extEditor"] ?? true; }
set { ViewState["extEditor"] = value; }
[Category("Label Settings")]
public Label Label
get { return lblText; }
[Category("TextBox Settings")]
public RadTextBox TextBox
get { return txtData; }
[Category("Validator Settings")]
public override ClientDataAnnotationValidator Validator
get { return valData; }
public string RequiredFieldIndicatorText
get { return lblValidatorFlag.InnerText; }
set { lblValidatorFlag.InnerText = value; }
#region Label properties
public string LabelCssClass
get { return pnlLabel.CssClass; }
set { pnlLabel.CssClass = value; }
#region TextBox properties
public string ControlCssClass
get { return pnlControl.CssClass; }
set { pnlControl.CssClass = value; }
public string Text
get { return txtData.Text; }
set { txtData.Text = value; }
public bool AutoPostBack
get { return txtData.AutoPostBack; }
set { txtData.AutoPostBack = value; }
#region methods
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
base.Page_Load(sender, e);
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
public override string ToolTip
return txtData.ToolTip;
txtData.ToolTip = value;
public bool ReadOnly
get { return txtData.ReadOnly; }
set { txtData.ReadOnly = value; }
protected void popupExtendedEditor_ModalShow(object sender, ModalOpenEventArgs e)
URLBuilder builder =new URLBuilder(URLBuilder.ServerBaseUrl() + "Pages/AdvancedEditor.aspx");
builder["mode"] = this.ReadOnly ? "ro" : "rw";
if (txtData.MaxLength > 0)
builder["len"] = this.txtData.MaxLength;
builder["title"] = this.lblText.Text.Replace(":","").Replace("*","");
e.Url = builder.Url;
protected void popupExtendedEditor_ModalOK(object sender, ModalCloseEventArgs e)
if (!this.ReadOnly)
string newData = e.Result == null ? string.Empty : e.Result as string;
if(newData != this.Text)
this.Text = newData;
if (this.Page is TempoPage)
TempoPage page = this.Page as TempoPage;
page.IsDirty = page.TrackDirty;
protected override void InitializeValidator()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valData.SourceTypeName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valData.PropertyName))
Type dataType = valData.GetValidatedType();
PropertyInfo property = valData.GetValidatedProperty(dataType);
object[] stringLengthAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StringLengthAttribute), true);
if (stringLengthAttributes.Length > 0)
StringLengthAttribute attrib = stringLengthAttributes[0] as StringLengthAttribute;
if (attrib.MaximumLength > 0)
txtData.MaxLength = attrib.MaximumLength;
object[] requiredAttribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredAttribute), true);
if (requiredAttribute.Length > 0)
RequiredValidator = true;
RequiredValidator = false;
RequiredValidator = false;
ValidatorInitialized = true;
edtPopup.Visible = txtData.MaxLength > 20 && EnableExtendedEditor != false;
protected override void SetReadOnly()
txtData.ReadOnly = true;
protected override System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl RequiredIndicator
get { return lblValidatorFlag; }
please help me out to resolve the issue
iam runing into to some techincal issue,i have telerik text box which is customized and i have EnableExtendedEditor icon control which will open text editor to change the value of textbox but when i disable EnableExtendedEditor it s not working i.e not disabling.
my code is like below
<tempo:TextBox runat="server" ID="txtMasterAIName" LabelCssClass="label" ControlCssClass="control" EnableExtendedEditor="true">
<TextBox Width="200px" />
<Label Text="Name:"></Label>
<Validator CssClass="validation" PropertyName="MASTER_AI_NAME" SourceTypeName="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.ViewEntity.AIMasterView, CGI.ESG.TEMPO.ViewEntity"
EnableClientScript="true" />
in javascript iam disabling like
function OnClientSelectedIndexChanged(sender, eventArgs) {
var item = eventArgs.get_item().get_value();
var licensePersonCode = sender.get_attributes().getAttribute("LicensePersonCode");
if (item == licensePersonCode) {
var txtMasterAIName = $find('<%= txtMasterAIName.ClientID %>');
txtMasterAIName.EnableExtendedEditor = false;
return true;
but its throwing javascript if i mention txtMasterAIName.EnableExtendedEditor = false; like object null
below is my custome textbox code
<%@ Control Language="C#" AutoEventWireup="true" CodeBehind="TempoTextBoxControl.ascx.cs" Inherits="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.CommonControls.TempoTextBoxControl" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="Telerik.Web.UI" Namespace="Telerik.Web.UI" TagPrefix="telerik" %>
<%@ Register Assembly="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web" Namespace="CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.UIBase" TagPrefix="tempo" %>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlLabel" runat="server">
<span id="lblValidatorFlag" runat="server" class="reqfield">*</span>
<asp:Label ID="lblText" runat="server" AssociatedControlID="txtData" EnableViewState="false"></asp:Label>
<asp:Panel ID="pnlControl" runat="server">
<telerik:RadTextBox ID="txtData" runat="server">
<tempo:ExtendedEditorPopup ID="edtPopup" runat="server" TextBoxID="txtData" NavigateUrl="~/Pages/AdvancedEditor.aspx"
OnModalOK="popupExtendedEditor_ModalOK" OnModalShow="popupExtendedEditor_ModalShow" RadWindowID="wndEditor">
<tempo:ClientDataAnnotationValidator ID="valData" runat="server" ControlToValidate="txtData" />
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Web;
using System.Web.UI;
using System.Web.UI.WebControls;
using System.ComponentModel;
using Telerik.Web.UI;
using CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.UIBase;
using System.Configuration;
using System.Reflection;
using CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Common.Aspects;
using System.Text;
using System.ComponentModel.DataAnnotations;
namespace CGI.ESG.TEMPO.Web.CommonControls
public partial class TempoTextBoxControl : TempoCommonUserControl
#region events
public event EventHandler TextChanged
add { txtData.TextChanged += value; }
remove { txtData.TextChanged -= value; }
#region properties
protected override string TooltipDefaultText
get { return lblText.Text; }
public bool EnableExtendedEditor
get { return (bool?) ViewState["extEditor"] ?? true; }
set { ViewState["extEditor"] = value; }
[Category("Label Settings")]
public Label Label
get { return lblText; }
[Category("TextBox Settings")]
public RadTextBox TextBox
get { return txtData; }
[Category("Validator Settings")]
public override ClientDataAnnotationValidator Validator
get { return valData; }
public string RequiredFieldIndicatorText
get { return lblValidatorFlag.InnerText; }
set { lblValidatorFlag.InnerText = value; }
#region Label properties
public string LabelCssClass
get { return pnlLabel.CssClass; }
set { pnlLabel.CssClass = value; }
#region TextBox properties
public string ControlCssClass
get { return pnlControl.CssClass; }
set { pnlControl.CssClass = value; }
public string Text
get { return txtData.Text; }
set { txtData.Text = value; }
public bool AutoPostBack
get { return txtData.AutoPostBack; }
set { txtData.AutoPostBack = value; }
#region methods
protected override void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
base.Page_Load(sender, e);
protected override void OnInit(EventArgs e)
public override string ToolTip
return txtData.ToolTip;
txtData.ToolTip = value;
public bool ReadOnly
get { return txtData.ReadOnly; }
set { txtData.ReadOnly = value; }
protected void popupExtendedEditor_ModalShow(object sender, ModalOpenEventArgs e)
URLBuilder builder =new URLBuilder(URLBuilder.ServerBaseUrl() + "Pages/AdvancedEditor.aspx");
builder["mode"] = this.ReadOnly ? "ro" : "rw";
if (txtData.MaxLength > 0)
builder["len"] = this.txtData.MaxLength;
builder["title"] = this.lblText.Text.Replace(":","").Replace("*","");
e.Url = builder.Url;
protected void popupExtendedEditor_ModalOK(object sender, ModalCloseEventArgs e)
if (!this.ReadOnly)
string newData = e.Result == null ? string.Empty : e.Result as string;
if(newData != this.Text)
this.Text = newData;
if (this.Page is TempoPage)
TempoPage page = this.Page as TempoPage;
page.IsDirty = page.TrackDirty;
protected override void InitializeValidator()
if (!string.IsNullOrEmpty(valData.SourceTypeName) && !string.IsNullOrEmpty(valData.PropertyName))
Type dataType = valData.GetValidatedType();
PropertyInfo property = valData.GetValidatedProperty(dataType);
object[] stringLengthAttributes = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(StringLengthAttribute), true);
if (stringLengthAttributes.Length > 0)
StringLengthAttribute attrib = stringLengthAttributes[0] as StringLengthAttribute;
if (attrib.MaximumLength > 0)
txtData.MaxLength = attrib.MaximumLength;
object[] requiredAttribute = property.GetCustomAttributes(typeof(RequiredAttribute), true);
if (requiredAttribute.Length > 0)
RequiredValidator = true;
RequiredValidator = false;
RequiredValidator = false;
ValidatorInitialized = true;
edtPopup.Visible = txtData.MaxLength > 20 && EnableExtendedEditor != false;
protected override void SetReadOnly()
txtData.ReadOnly = true;
protected override System.Web.UI.HtmlControls.HtmlGenericControl RequiredIndicator
get { return lblValidatorFlag; }
please help me out to resolve the issue