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empty space besides the grid when more no. of columns

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manu asked on 27 Mar 2009, 10:15 AM

I'm using the rad grid with the scroll enabled. The grid is placed inside a table cell.

When the no. of columns is more, a horizontal scroller appears at the bottom of the grid and the visible grid size remains fixed as it should. but the problem is that the table cell width increases as if to accomodate a wider grid and there appears blank space next to the grid, thus my table allignment gets messed up.

Thus although the visible width of the grid remains constant, the actual width of the table cell increases with increase in the no. of columns in the grid.
so the size of the grid seams to remain the same but the empty space next to my grid keeps increasing with increase in no. of columns.

I've created a demo to test this. Screen shots attached.

How do i get rid of this empty space and make the size of my table cell fixed?


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