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Embeded Office2007 Skin Image align background positions incorrect

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Nathan asked on 09 Mar 2009, 06:24 PM
When using the embedded Office2007 skin with RadEditor there are styles being set incorrectly.
In the image properties dialog, you cannot see the align middle-right or align middle-left icons in the image align dropdown. I have inspected this element with firebug, and I noticed that the correct styles are being overridden by an !important declaration in a previous stylesheet added through as webresource.

.rade_MiddleLeft {
    background-position:-3096px -6px; //Correct
    background-position:4170px -10px !important; /Incorrect
.rade_MiddleRight {
    background-position:-3155px -6px; //Correct
.rade_MiddleRight {
    background-position:-4249px -10px !important; //Incorrect

This does not happen when I use other skins, but I need to use Office2007 to match the theme of the rest of my admin area.

Edit: I tried to override the style with specificity and an !important declaration when I realized that the dialog opens in its own radwindow and iframe and does not load the css files I specify. Is there a way to make it load these files while still using embedded skins?

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Telerik team
answered on 12 Mar 2009, 01:28 PM
Hi Nathan,

During the development of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX Q1.2009 that was released today we have addressed a lot of ongoing skins and performance issues, and we have introduced a completely new set of skins. What we strongly recommend is to upgrade to the latest version and this will certainly fix this issue.

Best wishes,
Martin Ivanov
the Telerik team

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