I need to enter elasped time in the format hh:mm:ss
The RadTimePicker is almost perfect except it is designed for time of day, not elapsed time, its not correct how it looks and behaves for elapsed time.
Using the Masked Text box as shown below is less than ideal, since unless the user completey enters the data correctly(never happens), it will generate an error on the server side.
Any Ideas?
The RadTimePicker is almost perfect except it is designed for time of day, not elapsed time, its not correct how it looks and behaves for elapsed time.
Using the Masked Text box as shown below is less than ideal, since unless the user completey enters the data correctly(never happens), it will generate an error on the server side.
Any Ideas?
"Total Time:"
Text="<%# Bind('sesTotalTimeFormatted') %>"
ToolTip="Total Session Time (hh:mm:ss)" Mask="##:##:##">