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Editing tables

1 Answer 51 Views
WebParts for SharePoint
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
David Grayston
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David Grayston asked on 26 Mar 2010, 07:38 PM
RE: v4.5.6 Radeditor Lite

I'm having difficulties with controlling boarders after the table is created. Seems that in Firefox (3.5) the table tools behaves quite oddly. The table properties | boarders is completely unable to show the table boarders when editing or after in FF3.5. Only after that I see that in IE8 the boarders are there! (maybe part a Sharepoint quirk).

Editing the table using IE8 the tool actually seems to work better though still very inconsistent when trying to set boarders properties.

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Telerik team
answered on 30 Mar 2010, 06:23 AM
Hi David,

You can try table editing in the latest RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX. Review the following online demo You can set the borders by using the Style Builder dialog, which you can call from TableProperties or CellProperties dialogs. If you decide that it meats your needs, you can upgrade your Lite version of RadEditor for MOSS to the lates 5.7.1 version, which is based on RadEditor for ASP.NET AJAX. Here are the upgrade instructions: Upgrade Instructions from version 4.x to version 5.x.

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WebParts for SharePoint
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David Grayston
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Telerik team
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