Hi, I used some excel export code previous posted on a thread. It works great, but I'm wondering if we can intercept midway. I'm looking to add a value on the top row then followed by the chart.
public static void Export(RadGridView grid)
const string extension = "xls";
var dialog = new SaveFileDialog
DefaultExt = extension,
Filter = String.Format("{1} files (*.{0})|*.{0}|All files (*.*)|*.*", extension, "Excel"),
FilterIndex = 1
if (dialog.ShowDialog() != true)
using (var stream = dialog.OpenFile())
var exportOptions = new GridViewExportOptions
Format = ExportFormat.ExcelML,
ShowColumnHeaders = true,
ShowColumnFooters = true,
ShowGroupFooters = false,
exportOptions.Items = (IEnumerable)grid.ItemsSource;
grid.Export(stream, exportOptions);