I have 3 RadComboBoxes on a web page. I have everything set in the SelectedIndexChanged of the first combobox to fill and select and load the list of Item of the second combobox, same with the second to the third. What I have is cascading comboboxes that on selection of the first combobox's item it's SelectedIndexChange event loads all of that item.values in the second combobox that are referenced by the selected item.value (or e.value) of the first combobox. Also, the second to the third works the same way. What I need to do is on the page_load of the webpage have the cascade combobox selections take place. How can this be done on page_load and then once the page is loaded? Example of code for the first combobox is shown (note: the second to the third follows the same model) below:
protected void ComboBoxGroup_SelectedIndexChanged (object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
GroupProgram.Item proItem = new GroupProgram.Item(sqlConn, Convert.ToInt32(e.Value));
ComboBoxProgram.DataValueField = Program.Const_ProgramID;
ComboBoxProgram.DataTextField = Program.Const_ProgramText;
ComboBoxProgram.DataSource = proItem.List;
Now, as you can see when the user selects a Group combobox item it's selectedIndexChange event is called and the Program combobox has its bound list pulled from the e.value ID field. The problem is that on page load I will set the Group combobox selected item in the onLoad event; however, I need to know how to call it's selectedIndexChanged event dynamically when it's item value is set.
Also, what is the best way to handle the 3 cascading radcomboxes after the page has loaded?
Steve Holdorf
protected void ComboBoxGroup_SelectedIndexChanged (object sender, RadComboBoxSelectedIndexChangedEventArgs e)
GroupProgram.Item proItem = new GroupProgram.Item(sqlConn, Convert.ToInt32(e.Value));
ComboBoxProgram.DataValueField = Program.Const_ProgramID;
ComboBoxProgram.DataTextField = Program.Const_ProgramText;
ComboBoxProgram.DataSource = proItem.List;
Now, as you can see when the user selects a Group combobox item it's selectedIndexChange event is called and the Program combobox has its bound list pulled from the e.value ID field. The problem is that on page load I will set the Group combobox selected item in the onLoad event; however, I need to know how to call it's selectedIndexChanged event dynamically when it's item value is set.
Also, what is the best way to handle the 3 cascading radcomboxes after the page has loaded?
Steve Holdorf