I'm having some problems trying to dynamically create multiple docks at the same time.
What I'd like to achieve is to have multiple Docks added to the DockZone on a button click, but the only thing I get is first Dock properly created and displayed when the rest of them aren't displayed (they are displayed after I refresh the webpage) and they are created but floating outside of the zone.
I have similar scenario when creating one Dock at a time and it works like a charm.
This is the code:
So, to sum everything up. I would like to generate Docks properly; display them immediately, without having to refresh the page and create them inside DockZone.
Any help would be appreciated.
I'm having some problems trying to dynamically create multiple docks at the same time.
What I'd like to achieve is to have multiple Docks added to the DockZone on a button click, but the only thing I get is first Dock properly created and displayed when the rest of them aren't displayed (they are displayed after I refresh the webpage) and they are created but floating outside of the zone.
I have similar scenario when creating one Dock at a time and it works like a charm.
This is the code:
protected void rbAddTickets_Click(object sender, EventArgs e)
var ticketList = (from t in db.Ticket
where t.idManager == idManager && t.Zatvoren == false || t.idManager == null && t.Zatvoren == false
select t).ToList();
var memoTicketList = from t in ticketList
where t.Memo == null || t.Memo == false
orderby t.Firma.Naziv, t.idNadredeniTicket, t.RedniBroj, t.Opis
select t;
foreach (var ticket in memoTicketList)
RadDock dock = new RadDock();
dock.UniqueName = ticket.idTicket.ToString();
dock.ID = string.Format("RadDock{0}", dock.UniqueName);
dock.Title = ticket.idNadredeniTicket + "-" + ticket.RedniBroj + " (" + ticket.Firma.Naziv + ")";
dock.Text = ticket.Opis;
dock.DockMode = DockMode.Docked;
//dock.Index = Convert.ToInt32(Session["MinIndex"]) - 1;
dock.Commands.Add(new DockCloseCommand());
dock.Commands.Add(new DockExpandCollapseCommand());
dock.Command += new DockCommandEventHandler(DockCommands);
//ticket.Memo = true;
//db.SaveChanges(); OMOGUĆI KASNIJE
string.Format(@"function _addDock() {{
Sys.Application.add_load(_addDock);", dock.ClientID, rdzIncidenti.ClientID),
So, to sum everything up. I would like to generate Docks properly; display them immediately, without having to refresh the page and create them inside DockZone.
Any help would be appreciated.