I want to do the following with docking zones.
I want to split the page in 4 zones (as an example) -> 1=left top, 2=right top, 3=left bottom, 4 =right bottom
In each zone a control will be placed.
If a control is unpinned then for example:
if zone 3 is unpinned then zone 4 should resize and merge with zone 3. If i drag the control from 4 to 1 then 1 should be placed in zone 4(=3+4) . If i drag 1 to 2 then the controls are swapped. etc
If zone 2 and 4 is unpinned then 1 should merge with zone 2 and 3 with 4.(or 1 merge with 3 and 4 with 2)
Is there an example where I can start to do this kind of functionality?
ps: It would be nice if Telerik could design wysiwyg layout manager where you can define (forbidden)zones with properties like draggable, resizable (and automatic resizing the area when a zone is unpinned), etc.
I want to do the following with docking zones.
I want to split the page in 4 zones (as an example) -> 1=left top, 2=right top, 3=left bottom, 4 =right bottom
In each zone a control will be placed.
If a control is unpinned then for example:
if zone 3 is unpinned then zone 4 should resize and merge with zone 3. If i drag the control from 4 to 1 then 1 should be placed in zone 4(=3+4) . If i drag 1 to 2 then the controls are swapped. etc
If zone 2 and 4 is unpinned then 1 should merge with zone 2 and 3 with 4.(or 1 merge with 3 and 4 with 2)
Is there an example where I can start to do this kind of functionality?
ps: It would be nice if Telerik could design wysiwyg layout manager where you can define (forbidden)zones with properties like draggable, resizable (and automatic resizing the area when a zone is unpinned), etc.