I have a tab strip and a multip page with RenderSelectedPageOnly set to true. When I click on a tab, I am loading a user control into an asp:Panel on the pageview. I am re-loading the user control on a postback and that seems to be working fine.
In general, Inside the user control, where is the proper event in order to set the ajax settings programmatically to update controls on the page after an ajax call? If I use OnLoad or PageLoad, it can't find the control to be updated. I am currently using OnPreRender.
More specifically, inside the user control I have a grid. In the onLoad event, I add a RadAjaxManager.GetCurrent(Page).ResponseScripts.Add to call a client side function which issues an ajax call back to the server to load the contents of the grid. Basically, I want to see the control, and then load the contents of the grid with an ajax call. This is all functioning properly, however the grid is NOTupdated after the ajax call. In the server side ajax request, I am adding an ajax setting for the mgr as the initiator and the grid as the target. If I look at the rendered source for the page, I have 2 panels generated for the grid with the same id! One has no data, and the other does have data. In OnPreRender, I add an ajax setting for the grid to update itself in order to have the panel generated in the first place.
What am I doing wrong?