I have a step in my wizard that collects basic information for the user AND the user's spouse but only if the user chose Include Spouse in a previous step.
One way I've thought of resolving this is by duplicating the step called Personal Details in the first one having the input controls for only the user and in the duplicate have input controls for both the user and the spouse. Then if the user chooses to include Spouse we can just hide/remove the unecessary step?
There doesn't seem to be anything in the API that allows you to affectively Switch Off steps and by that I mean they should dissappear out of the navigation and progress bars and the next button should know to skip them if they are switched off.
WizardStep.hide - just hides the content of the step
WizardSteps.remove - throws exception "TypeError: c.unselect is not a function" (Javascript)
WizardSteps.removeAt - same as previous exception