$0Hi, I am a quite confused about dynamically generating the raddocks and have been working on different approaches, reading your online demos without much success. And I'm not sure your demos are even accurate any more, for the newest version.$0$0$0$0$0I would have thought that setting the StoreLayoutInViewState property would keep the docks in their position after postback? For instance, I build the radDocks during Page Init, only on non-postback I set the docks into their initial Zones, otherwise (on postback) just to the Layout. (I assumed that the Layout would store-in-view-state the changes, and recreate them correctly)$0$0$0$0$0But it doesn't remember the state, if a command is clicked with postback, the states reset back to their original - but shouldn't the postback have sent the new state?$0$0$0$0$0Its obviously remembered something because it reverted back to the original zones, without me specifying them.$0$0$0$0$0Otherwise, what help is the StoreLayoutInViewState property?, which I assume will only work with non-dynamically generated docks? Is that correct?$0$0$0$0$0$0Most of your other controls have been really simple to implement, but this one is driving me crazy.$0$0$0$0$0Has a RadAjaxManager demo been created yet? Hope someone can help! $0$0$0$0$0Thanks!$0