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Dynamic Grid Templates With a RadToolBar

4 Answers 84 Views
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Craig asked on 17 Jan 2009, 11:37 PM
I was looking over this demo (link above) and wondering how I might flip the grid from a "List/Data" view as displayed in the demo to a different custom templateboundcolumn as described in this demo.

I would like to have a radtoolbar with 2 buttons that show's the two different custom templated layouts. The problem I see, is if the grid has be be created @ Page_Init or OnInit (Second Demo), how would I flag the grid to use the correct templates when the toolbar OnButtonClick server event is going to fire later in the page life cycle.

Got a demo?? :)

Just looking for some advice on how to proceed.

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answered on 20 Jan 2009, 03:45 AM
Well it was a good day! I got it working by creating a session state, complex template 1, or complex template 2. The only problem I see is I would like to add more sort columns to the grid header. Since I'm only adding one templated column I can't seem to sort on anything other then one column. (Product Description). I'd like to add Product Number, and Product price to the header.

Thoughts group? :)
Telerik team
answered on 20 Jan 2009, 09:40 AM
Hi Craig,

You can implement multi-headers for template columns along with sorting for each individual sub-columns as illustrated in the following examples: (see the last column in the grid)

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the Telerik team

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answered on 21 Jan 2009, 10:53 PM
I'm trying some more complicated templates now and I'm having some problems with my data/listview

I'm trying to implement as described in this link, but my template is a class not on the aspx page.



public class DetailTemplate : ITemplate




public void InstantiateIn(Control container)




var index = (GridDataItem)container.NamingContainer;




if (index.ItemIndex !=0)



new LiteralControl("</td></tr></table>"));


//Create panel with formatted table and data....add panel to container (Is the Table causing a problem in the foreach in the code behind loop possibly?)


CODE BEHIND PAGE - PER example. The only change I made was using my  column's UniqueName = "Detail"




protected void RadGrid1_DataBound(object sender, EventArgs e)
            int itemCount = (sender as RadGrid).MasterTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.Item).Length + (sender as RadGrid).MasterTableView.GetItems(GridItemType.AlternatingItem).Length;
            foreach (GridItem item in (sender as RadGrid).Items)
                if (item is GridDataItem && item.ItemIndex < itemCount - 1)
                    ((item as GridDataItem)["Detail"] as TableCell).Controls.Add(new LiteralControl("<table style='display:none;'><tr><td>"));

The resulting HTML has one small problem and I can't seem to find where to fix it. (Doubled Table entry.) This occures on every item but the first and last.

  <table style='display:none;'>
          <td><table style='display:none;'>
              <tr class="GridAltRow_Sunset" id="MyRadGrid_ctl00__1">

Anyone have an idea.
Thanks in advance

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answered on 21 Jan 2009, 11:32 PM
found it...I didn't need the foreach at all.
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