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Dynamic Connection String

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Shrini asked on 19 Feb 2017, 10:47 AM

I work in an hosted forms auth environment where we are not allowed to store direct connection strings in the .config. As such I can't have the config section/provider information int he config either. I have been working with the scheduler for half day and figured of most of the crashes. I have configured my scheduler work with Webservice based on demo (all demos are strictly hardcoded to look for conn string from config).

Even after based on this article [using resourcepopulationmode in service and authentication], I was unable to get all the values from the forms ticket. I took a different step of implementing custom class with"ISchedulerInfo" with additional data. Even then I was unable to access basic properties I sent to the webserivce. I am trying to avoid binding a sql data source directly to the control.

Once again, the connection string is different based on the user. 

Can someone please direct me in the correct direction.


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