Duplicate Pages when generating a Report

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General Discussions Rendering Report Designer (standalone) Table
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Elias asked on 08 May 2024, 09:23 PM
Hello there,

I have this issue when generating my report, it duplicates the number of pages based on the amount of rows of data that my DataSource provides to the Report.
Another detail is the external border when generated from the report but in the preview or the designer doesn't show the border
How I can remove it?

I am using a table wizard connected to the data source (SQL Data Source).

Example in the attached file

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Telerik team
answered on 13 May 2024, 01:00 PM

Hello Elias,

Thank you for the attached screenshots and the additional information!

Based on the images, it seems that the table is inserted in the detail section and the whole table is repeated multiple times. This happens when the DataSource property of the report has a data source component assigned to it. The detail section of the report is rendered for each record of data in the data object of the report and since the table is in that section, the whole table is rendered multiple times.

The solution to this problem would be to set the Report.DataSource property to None. This will cause the detail section to be rendered only a single time. For more details on the different behaviors of the report sections, you may visit the Report Structure at a Glance - Telerik Reporting article.

Regarding the border issue, judging from the images, this must be either the border of the detail section or of the report itself. You may check both's Style property and set their BorderStyle setting to None to remove the border.

For more details on the usage of the style properties, you may visit the Report item style properties - Telerik Reporting article.

I hope that the provided suggestions will help.

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commented on 13 May 2024, 06:24 PM

Thanks for the information,

About the Report.DataSource to None fixed the issue of repeating pages but now I have this small trouble where fields that bring value from the DataSource don't get the fields anymore so how keep them separated from the details section without a DataSource and only accessible for the table and PageHeader.

A quick way I solved my issue of page headers without access to the SqlDataSource was by converting them into single tables

Regarding the border issue that was solved, it was enabled for some reason, putting BorderStyle to None fixed it.
Telerik team
commented on 16 May 2024, 11:22 AM

Other than the solution that you have found, for data that you wish to display in the page sections, you may use report parameters - Report Parameters at a Glance - Telerik Reporting.

Report Parameters can connect to a data source component so you may assign to them the data source used by the table or a separate data source only for the page header/footer data. You may visit the following articles for details on how to create and use report parameters:

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commented on 20 May 2024, 03:46 AM

Thanks for the information
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commented on 25 Jun 2024, 08:41 PM

This helped me solve a similar problem. I was playing around with the using report parameters and tables, while I was doing that it dawned on me you can also use the Filter property on the Report to filter to just a single record of the data, if you're not needing every record in your data set.  
General Discussions Rendering Report Designer (standalone) Table
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