Why in my version 2014.1.225.45 , the DropDownWidth="200" or DropDownWidth="200px"
doesn't work,
in Css it's work very well not with this attribute DropDownWidth
<telerik:RadComboBox runat="server" ID="PlaComboBox1" Width="240" DataSourceID="WbTA" DataTextField="TA_LIBELLE" DataValueField="TA_ID" DropDownWidth="200"></telerik:RadComboBox>
Can you help to understand ?
Why in my version 2014.1.225.45 , the DropDownWidth="200" or DropDownWidth="200px"
doesn't work,
in Css it's work very well not with this attribute DropDownWidth
<telerik:RadComboBox runat="server" ID="PlaComboBox1" Width="240" DataSourceID="WbTA" DataTextField="TA_LIBELLE" DataValueField="TA_ID" DropDownWidth="200"></telerik:RadComboBox>
Can you help to understand ?