DropDownTree and FitInInput functionality?

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Russell asked on 11 Jul 2023, 02:30 PM

The DropDownTree doesn't have FitInInput functionality, so what would be the way to create this functionality?

I've tried things like updating the text using `OnClientEntryAdded` and `set_defaultMessage()` but once that function has run in my JavaScript, the original text items that were selected just show back up. 

What do I need to do?


Attila Antal
Telerik team
commented on 14 Jul 2023, 11:49 AM

Hi Russell,

This "FitInInput" functionality you mentioned does not seem to be popular. Can you share more details about this functionality and describe to us how it should work?

Can you share an example using any element that this works with, so we can try it out and understand how it works?

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commented on 14 Jul 2023, 02:39 PM

The docs explain this:


  1. CheckedItemsTexts—receives two predefined values:

    • FitInInput - default value. When this value is set and the text of the checked items exceeds the width of the input, it is replaced by "X items checked".

    • DisplayAllInInput—the text of all checked items is displayed in the input of the RadComboBox.


Attila Antal
Telerik team
commented on 17 Jul 2023, 12:18 PM

Hi Russel,

Thanks for clarifying it. Apparently, I did not remember about this functionality.

Regarding the DropDownTree, it has its own way of hiding the excess text, see CheckAll and Clear Buttons

Is this what you are looking for, or would like to display all the text without limitations?

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commented on 17 Jul 2023, 12:20 PM

I'm looking for the FitInInput functionality as described:
  • FitInInput - default value. When this value is set and the text of the checked items exceeds the width of the input, it is replaced by "X items checked".

Attila Antal
Telerik team
commented on 17 Jul 2023, 12:24 PM

I understand. This functionality is beyond DropDownTree's capabilities.

Currently, the DropDownTree will display as much text as it can for the size of the input, and everything else will be cut off as seen on the picture.

If you wish this to be implemented, you can submit a Feature Request in our Feedback portal at: https://feedback.telerik.com/aspnet-ajax 

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