In the orgchart how can i have the drill up button. Meaning when i want the ability to go up one level from the parent node.
lets say the starting point of a chart is A who has reportees B and C and C in turn has E and F as reprotees. Currently the default mature of the orgchart is to show the drill down icon on C and when i drill down to C it has two icons go to parent and go to root. Can i have these go to parent icon on node A. Meaning if A has a manager he can Drill Up.
In the orgchart how can i have the drill up button. Meaning when i want the ability to go up one level from the parent node.
lets say the starting point of a chart is A who has reportees B and C and C in turn has E and F as reprotees. Currently the default mature of the orgchart is to show the drill down icon on C and when i drill down to C it has two icons go to parent and go to root. Can i have these go to parent icon on node A. Meaning if A has a manager he can Drill Up.