I have working one FileExplorer with database as content provider and drag&drop works fine within this control
but I need to be able to copy or drag& drop to second FileExplorer also. How to configure
UploadPath etc to make it work? Assuming that second FileExplorer will have separate db table
for files list. Currently first FileExplorer has all Path set to "Root".
6 Answers, 1 is accepted
I am afraid that the desired functionality is not available with the current implementation of FileExplorer as the drag-to-copy functionality of the control is highly relating on the permissions it has to the target items. Even if you implement your custom drag-and-drop logic from the grid of the one control to the others, such a scenario could be possible only if the two FileExplorer controls shares one and the same data (in order to have rights to access each others content).
not sure if I understand, when I tested drag and drop from one fileExplorer to the other with standard binding
to files on the disk it does worked. I just set uploadpath on the first one as a path of the second one viewpath
and it worked fine. Like below. What I'm asking now can this work when I have custom content provider to database,
each file explorer pointing to separate tablein DB like :
RadFileExplorer2.Configuration.ViewPaths = new string[] { "Files"};
RadFileExplorer2.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { "Bookmarks"};
As you can see below RadFileExplorer1 pointing to /Files and RadFileExplorer2
poiinting to /Bookmarks folder. Drag&drop as well as copy works fine.
Why the same with database would not work?
<div id="nav">
<telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RadFileExplorer1" OnClientItemSelected="OnClientItemSelected" EnableCopy="True" Skin="Outlook" DisplayUpFolderItem="True" EnableFilterTextBox="True" ExplorerMode="FileTree" RenderMode="Native">
<Configuration SearchPatterns="*.*" DeletePaths="~/Bookmarks" UploadPaths="~/Bookmarks" ViewPaths="~/Bookmarks"></Configuration>
<div id="section">
<telerik:RadFileExplorer runat="server" ID="RadFileExplorer2" EnableCopy="True" Skin="Outlook" DisplayUpFolderItem="True" EnableFilterTextBox="True" RenderMode="Native"
EnableCreateNewFolder="False" PageSize="5" EnableAsyncUpload="False">
<Configuration SearchPatterns="*.*" DeletePaths="~/Files" UploadPaths="~/Bookmarks" ViewPaths="~/Files" ></Configuration>
I have simplified yet this by putting all data to the same table, so no permission issues
but somehow drag&drop event is not triggered from one to second fileexplorer...
trying to make work something like this:
RadFileExplorer2.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { "Root/Bookmarks" };
RadFileExplorer2.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { "Root/Files" };
RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.ViewPaths = new string[] { "Root/Bookmarks"};
RadFileExplorer1.Configuration.UploadPaths = new string[] { "Root/Bookmarks" };
I put in one db table entries for Bookmaks and Files under the root, somehow move event is not triggered
when dragging file from fileexplorer2 to fileexplorer1, any tips?
By design the moving of files/folders in FileExplorer is possible only by dragging an item from the Grid to the TreeView (thus the move event is not triggered). Furthermore the move functionality is available only in the folders with write permissions (Delete and Upload).