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Drag and Drop rows for re-ordering

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John asked on 18 Sep 2012, 02:56 PM
Hi there,

I have been trying different Telerik controls to get the functionality that I want but I've not been successful in getting it.  The functionality I want is pretty single.  I have a list of items (in a vertical list).  The list contains text, dropdowns, buttons, etc.  I would like the user to be able to drag and drop to re-order and list, and also add/remove rows.

The closet I've gotten was using RadDocks in a RadDockZone, however, I ran into a problem where I was not allowed to have a repeater inside the RadDockZone to repeat through my list and create RadDocks based on a set template.

I've tried a RadGrid, although I got the drag and drop to work, I did not want a grid like display.  It is possible to 

1) only have 1 column
2) customize that column depending on a template


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Telerik team
answered on 20 Sep 2012, 04:16 PM
Hi John,

You could use a GridTemplateColumn to achieve your desired functionality. Please check out the following demo and its related topic ( Template Column Section ):

I hope this will prove helpful.

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