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Drag&Drop to scheduler, node_Drop event not fire

1 Answer 66 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Matteo Beretta
Top achievements
Rank 1
Matteo Beretta asked on 23 Aug 2010, 04:06 PM

i trying to drag a node to radscheduler, but the event node_Drop not fire, post some code:

<telerik:RadScheduler ID="radGantt" runat="server"
                            DataDescriptionField="Subject" DataEndField="End" DataKeyField="ID" 
                            DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" DataStartField="Start" Height="650px" Width="500px"
                            DataSubjectField="Subject" SelectedView="WeekView" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" 
                            ShowAllDayRow="False" ShowFooter="False" 
                            ShowViewTabs="False" WorkDayEndTime="19:00:00" 
                            DayEndTime="19:00:00" Skin="Office2007" 
                                <telerik:RadSchedulerContextMenu runat="server" ID="SchedulerAppointmentContextMenu">
                                        <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Visualizza ODL" Value="ODL" />
                                        <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Visualizza Richiesta" Value="REQ" />
                                        <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Rapportino" Value="RAP" />
                    <asp:ObjectDataSource ID="ObjectDataSource1" runat="server" 
                        SelectMethod="AllData" TypeName="FinitenessEVO.AppointmentList">
<telerik:RadTreeView runat="server" ID="radTree" Height="100%" Width="100%" 
                                 EnableDragAndDrop="True" OnClientNodeDropping="nodeDropping"
                                 onnodedrop="radTree_NodeDrop" >
                       <CollapseAnimation Duration="100" Type="OutQuint" />
                           <telerik:RadTreeViewContextMenu ID="contextTree" runat="server">
                                   <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Visualizza ODL" Value="ODL">
                                   <telerik:RadMenuItem runat="server" Text="Visualizza Richiesta" Value="REQ">
             <ExpandAnimation Duration="100" />
<telerik:RadScriptBlock ID="RadScriptBlock1" runat="server">
        <script type="text/javascript">
            function nodeDropping(sender, eventArgs) {
                // Fired when the user drops a TreeView node
                var node = eventArgs.get_sourceNode();
                var text = node.get_text();
                var htmlElement = eventArgs.get_htmlElement();
                var scheduler = $find('<%= radGantt.ClientID %>');
                if (isPartOfSchedulerAppointmentArea(htmlElement)) {
                    // The node was dropped over the scheduler appointment area
                    // Find the exact time slot and save its unique index in the hidden field
                    var timeSlot = scheduler._activeModel.getTimeSlotFromDomElement(htmlElement);
                    $get('<%=TargetSlotHiddenField.ClientID %>').value = timeSlot.get_index();
                    // The HTML needs to be set in order for the postback to execute normally
                else if ($telerik.isDescendant(treeViewElement, htmlElement)) {
                    // The node was dropped over the TreeView
                    // The HTML needs to be set in order for the postback to execute normally
                else {
                    // The node was dropped elsewhere on the document
            function rowDropping(sender, eventArgs) {
                // Fired when the user drops a grid row
                var htmlElement = eventArgs.get_destinationHtmlElement();
                var scheduler = $find('<%= radGantt.ClientID %>');
                if (isPartOfSchedulerAppointmentArea(htmlElement)) {
                    // The row was dropped over the scheduler appointment area
                    // Find the exact time slot and save its unique index in the hidden field
                    var timeSlot = scheduler._activeModel.getTimeSlotFromDomElement(htmlElement);
                    $get('<%=TargetSlotHiddenField.ClientID %>').value = timeSlot.get_index();
                    // The HTML needs to be set in order for the postback to execute normally
                else {
                    // The node was dropped elsewhere on the document
            function isPartOfSchedulerAppointmentArea(htmlElement) {
                // Determines if an html element is part of the scheduler appointment area
                // This can be either the rsContent or the rsAllDay div (in day and week view)
                return $telerik.$(htmlElement).parents().is("div.rsAllDay") ||
            function onRowDoubleClick(sender, args) {
            function refreshGrid() {
                $find("<%= RadAjaxManager1.ClientID %>").ajaxRequest("Rebind");
                    <input type="hidden" runat="server" id="TargetSlotHiddenField" />

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Telerik team
answered on 24 Aug 2010, 10:36 AM
Hello Matteo Beretta,

I am sending you a working implementation of this drag-and-drop approach. Please compare your code to that in the project to see if you can find any differences that might lead you to the cause of the issue.

Sincerely yours,
the Telerik team
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Matteo Beretta
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Telerik team
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