I've done much reading about double-clicking on a RadTreeView node. Apparently the default behaviour is for this to cause it to expand, showing its child nodes.
On my implementation of the RadTreeView it does not do this. Might this be because I have some server-side code that processes the single-click, which serves to Select the node? If so, please know that I absolutely need to maintain that server-side selection code.
Thus, my ultimate question is this: Is is possible to have a single-click of a RadNode run server-side code BUT have a double-click just expand the node?
Robert W.
On my implementation of the RadTreeView it does not do this. Might this be because I have some server-side code that processes the single-click, which serves to Select the node? If so, please know that I absolutely need to maintain that server-side selection code.
Thus, my ultimate question is this: Is is possible to have a single-click of a RadNode run server-side code BUT have a double-click just expand the node?
Robert W.