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Dock Functions

1 Answer 56 Views
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Anto (DLL Version : 2008.3.1314.35)
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Anto (DLL Version : 2008.3.1314.35) asked on 24 Apr 2010, 05:48 AM


      I am having a menu control on the left side of my page and to the right side of the menu
      I am having a dock layout in which i had the dock zone. On menu item click event i am creating the 
      Docks Dynamically with different user controls in each dock(.ascx). some of the ascx will occur more than once based on the 

       When more than five docks are created and loaded into the zone the system get hang and its not working.

       And also on closing the docks sometimes its working and sometimes not working and even throw some Java script errors.

      And Another one issue is when this project is uploaded in the server the entire page is too slow. 
      even the menu is taking too much  of time to expand. 

      Please give me some solution to this issue.
      Thank You.


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Telerik team
answered on 28 Apr 2010, 04:08 PM
Hi Anto,

I am not completely sure what might be the reason for the slow behavior, but you could try (check) the following suggestions:

  • Make sure you have disabled debugging when deploying the application on the web server (i.e. set debug="false" in the web.config).
  • The performance of the application is not directly related to the number of docks on the page, but it depends on the controls that you are loading within the docks. For example, add more than 5 docks on our My Portal online demo, and you will notice that the performance is not decreased.
  • Disable the ViewState of the controls loaded within the docks. The controls on the MyPortal demo do not have their state disabled, but they are not using it.
  • The JavaScript errors might be as well caused by the fact, that the UserControls loaded within the docks, are using ViewState. Please disable the ViewState and see if the errors are still present.

If none of the above recommendations help, please send us a fully working sample that demonstrates the issue and we will do our best to provide a solution.

All the best,
the Telerik team

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Anto (DLL Version : 2008.3.1314.35)
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Telerik team
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