We are trying to implement an expand / collapse functionality for all docks at a dockzone. Using the client objects set_collapased function we are able to collapse the docks successfully but we are unable to expand back the docks. The documentation says we can use set_collapsed with a false parameter to expand docks, but it doesn't work. Pl help
Here is the client script we implemented:
We are trying to implement an expand / collapse functionality for all docks at a dockzone. Using the client objects set_collapased function we are able to collapse the docks successfully but we are unable to expand back the docks. The documentation says we can use set_collapsed with a false parameter to expand docks, but it doesn't work. Pl help
Here is the client script we implemented:
function ExpandCollapseAllInZone(zoneId, expanded)
var zone = $find("<%= radDockingZone.ClientID %>");
if (zone) {
var docks = zone.get_docks();
for (var i in docks) {
if (expanded == 'true') {
//attempt to expand all the docks
//#####################the following statement does not work##################
else {
//attempt to collapse all the docks
//#####################this statement works##################