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Display time from database based on date

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pandu asked on 13 Mar 2009, 03:54 PM
I need to display time span times from the database, based on the day selected.
Are there are any samples do the same?

For example, i have batch runs happens 3/9/2009  9 AM, 3/9/2009  11 AM, 3/9/2009  3PM, 3/9/2009  4PM, 3/9/2009  xy time.

Based on the user selected date 3/9/2009, I need to display batch execution times for that 3/9/2009, in time picker time span or some drop down.. Once user selects the time (say 3 PM), I need to bind this to database (3/9/2009 3 PM) and pass this value to generate a report...

Any ideas or sample code greatly appreciated.. 

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answered on 17 Mar 2009, 10:56 AM
Hello Pandu,

Binding a RadDateTimePicker to a data source is easy provided you use the DbSelectedDate property (in a similar way as with the RadDatePicker control).

Binding the RadDateTimePicker control which is in a RadGrid template column:

     <telerik:RadDateTimePicker ID="picker1" runat="server" DbSelectedDate='<&# Bind("Dates") &>'>

For more information please refer to the following articles:
Help topic
Data Binding
Binding to Custom Collection

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the Telerik team

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