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Display Issues

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briankb asked on 17 Aug 2008, 02:33 AM
I just started using the scheduler for a project. The local telerik demo's look fine. However when I drop it on a page it looks odd. I've tried the default, Web20, and Office2007 skins, all have the same issue with the top buttons and on the right side.

Apparently there is something in the skin I'm using that is causing these display issues. My question is what tools for FireFox or IE can I use to help me discover the cause of these problems between the skin and the telerik scheduler skin/css? Without just cut/paste each section of the CSS until it goes away.

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I had a screen shot to post as well but I don't see an option to attach or embed a photo. How do you attach a photo to a forum message?

Here is a Link to it for now

1 Answer, 1 is accepted

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Telerik team
answered on 19 Aug 2008, 11:42 AM
Hi Brian,

We did a test page against the provided css styles and here is the fix which we found:

.rsHeader li  
    .RadScheduler_Office2007, .RadScheduler_Office2007 table   

Please, try this and let us know if you find something odd afterwards. If you need to send us screenshots, you can open a support ticket and attach files there.

the Telerik team

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