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Disable/Hide 'Save on server' option

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Paul asked on 12 Jun 2017, 04:23 PM

I want to implement this on our admin sites & been looking at the demos, particularly the default save options. The issue is we save images in various locations. I am presuming that the 'Save on Server' option uses the path in ImageUrl, so saving it just in one place will not be applicable in this case. So I was thinking of hiding or disabling that option, and hide the overwrite check box, to only have 'Download Image' as the only option?

Now, what I might end up doing is implementing the custom save option and have a dropdown of all the various image paths on the site to save to when the user is saving. However, can you look into my query above and see if that is an option?

Also, is there a way to add a custom aspect ratio to the dropdown in the crop function?

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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