You can also customize them - I use the items collection of GridContextMenu to remove NewFolder, Upload, and Rename, but leave everything else. You have to do a little debugging of the object to see what's there, the documentation on this control doesn't really exist in a useful form as of yet.
Hi Tom,
I tried your suggestion for turn off the context menu and customize them, now all it works.
Thank you.
Telerik team
answered on 23 Mar 2009, 12:05 PM
Hi all,
Tom, thank you for providing this suggestion! I just wanted to follow up and mention that we plan to add the context menu to the FileExplorerControls enum of RadFileExplorer. This will make it possible to siwtch-off the context menu(s) completely by simply de-listing them from the FileExplorer VisibleControls property, e.g.