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disable ClientSettings-AllowScroll from client side

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This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
Matt DiPietro
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Rank 1
Matt DiPietro asked on 20 Apr 2017, 04:52 PM

We have a standard in our application that all grids should have ClientSettings-AllowScroll to be set to Yes so that the grid container always resides within the bounds of the viewport. We would like to implement a feature that would allow users to click on a "Full Screen" button that would expand the grid container to be full screen and disable the internal scrolling.


Has anyone ever implemented a feature similar to this? There's nothing in the client-side API that would allow us to just disable the scrolling so our UI team is considering trying to modify the CSS to alter the vertical and horizontal overflow, but we're concerned this would have potentially disastrous side effects. 


If anyone has any creative ideas for how this might be accomplished, we're completely open to whatever approach might fulfill this requirement.

No answers yet. Maybe you can help?

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Matt DiPietro
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