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Diagram showing support for code / Ayuda mostrar Diagrama por código

3 Answers 122 Views
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Diego asked on 25 Aug 2015, 03:12 PM

achieved implement the diagram on page in my project, but they are asking me to be drawn by code that is within DefaultVB.aspx.vb then receive and display parameters

  How the code development? They have something to help me please ​​

logre implementar el Diagrama que aparece en la pagina en mi proyecto, pero me están pidiendo que se dibuje por código, es decir dentro de DefaultVB.aspx.vb para luego recibir parámetros y mostrarlos

 ¿como lo desarrollo por código? tienen algo que me ayuden por favor ​

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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 28 Aug 2015, 09:58 AM
Hello Diego,

Could you please elaborate more about the actual and the expected behavior of the control?

If you want to data-bind the diagram on the server-side you can refer to this article -

If you want, however, to plot custom shapes you can find details here -

Danail Vasilev
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answered on 28 Aug 2015, 12:52 PM

Hello Danial:

Thanks for the answer, I tell you

I miss a diagram in BPM (bizagi), the idea is to get the code, which are the nodes, coordinates, length, width, among other

and / and implement the new diagram receiving the above parameters, hopefully the same diagram on the page is displayed


I have just now:

shape.Id = shapeID
                shape.X = x
                shape.Y = y
                shape.Width = w
                shape.Height = h
                shape.ContentSettings.Text = contentText
                shape.ContentSettings.Color = backgroundColor
                shape.FillSettings.Color = backgroundColor
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tipoShape) Then
                    shape.Type = tipoShape
                End If
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visual) Then
                    shape.Visual = visual
                End If
 shape.Id = ShapeID
                shape.X = x
                shape.Y = y
                shape.Width = w
                shape.Height = h
                shape.ContentSettings.Text = contentText
                shape.ContentSettings.Color backgroundColor =
                shape.FillSettings.Color backgroundColor =
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (tipoShape) Then
                    shape.Type = tipoShape
                End If
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace (visual) Then
                    visual shape.Visual =
                End If 


 but I manage to display correctly.


 Case WFTipoTarea.INICIO
                    aux = AddDiagramShape(titulo, "#49a046", titulo, "#fff", theDiagram, "circle", "", x, y, h, w, tipo)    
                Case WFTipoTarea.CONDICION
                    aux = AddDiagramShape(titulo, "#49a046", titulo, "#fff", theDiagram, "rectangle", "", x, y, h, w, tipo)
            Case WFTipoTarea.MULTIPLE, WFTipoTarea.JOIN_MULTIPLE
                    aux = AddDiagramShape(titulo, "#49a046", titulo, "#cccccc", theDiagram, "question", "", x, y, h, w, tipo)


the question or decision can not be displayed, the program does not recognize, however if the rectangle and circle



Hola Danial:

Gracias por la respuesta, te cuento

tengo un diagrama echo en BPM(bizagi), la idea es sacar el código de el, que son los nodos, coordenadas, largo, ancho,  entre otras

y/e  implementarlos al nuevo diagrama recibiendo los parámetros anteriores, ojala que se muestre el mismo diagrama que aparece en la pagina


por ahora solo tengo :

 shape.Id = shapeID
                shape.X = x
                shape.Y = y
                shape.Width = w
                shape.Height = h
                shape.ContentSettings.Text = contentText
                shape.ContentSettings.Color = backgroundColor
                shape.FillSettings.Color = backgroundColor
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(tipoShape) Then
                    shape.Type = tipoShape
                End If
                If Not String.IsNullOrWhiteSpace(visual) Then
                    shape.Visual = visual
                End If


el question o decision no se puede mostrar, no reconoce el programa, en cambio el rectangulo y circulo si

Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
answered on 02 Sep 2015, 12:05 PM
Hi Diego,

Thank you for the clarification.

Diagram Shape Type property supports currently three types - Rectangle, Circle, Image. More information on the matter is available here -

If you want, however, to draw custom shapes you should use the path property, as illustrated here -

Danail Vasilev
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Danail Vasilev
Telerik team
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