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Diagram Connection Routing

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Bill asked on 21 Feb 2017, 06:58 PM
I have a complex diagram that represents the flow through a document. The document has numerous cross references between sections and the connections are used to show those references. None of the default layouts worked well to represent the sections so I am setting the X and Y coordinates of each shape. The connections mostly look acceptable but there are a few that are routing over existing shapes. Is there anything I can do to prevent connections from routing over shapes?

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answered on 21 Feb 2017, 07:18 PM

Edit: I do see that there is a property called "connections.type" but I can't see from the documentation where to set this. I tried setting it to Cascading but it did not seem to have any effect on the diagram so I must have done it incorrectly.

I am using (mostly) a set of javascript functions I got from the Telerik forums:

            (function(global, undefined) {
                var diagram;
                function pageLoad() {
                function diagram_load(sender) {
                    diagram = sender.get_kendoWidget();
                function visualizeShape(options) {
                    var ns = kendo.dataviz.diagram,
                        diagramCanvas = getDiagramCanvasOnPage(),
                        lineHeight = 16,
                        type = options.type,
                        shapeGroup = new ns.Group({ autoSize: true }),
                        textGroup = new ns.Group(),
                        textLines = [];
                    if(options.type != "text" && options.content && options.content.text) {
                        text = options.content.text.split(" ");
                        var textHeight = options.height - (text.length - 1) * lineHeight;
                        for(var i = 0; i < text.length; i++) {
                            var y = (i * lineHeight);
                            textLines.push(new ns.TextBlock({
                                autoSize: false,
                                text: text[i],
                                x: 0,
                                y: y,
                                width: options.width,
                                height: textHeight + 2*y,
                                color: options.stroke.color,
                                fontFamily: "Arial"
                        options.content.text = "";
                    if(type == "rectangle") {
                        var rectangle = new ns.Rectangle(options);
                        appendToGroupWithoutOffset(rectangle, shapeGroup);
                    if(options.type != "text") {
                        var lineHeight_x2 = 2 * lineHeight,
                            box = shapeGroup.drawingElement.bbox(),
                            largestTextContainerHeight = box.size.height + lineHeight * (textLines.length - 1);
                        for(var j = textLines.length - 1, textEdge = largestTextContainerHeight; j >= 0; j--, textEdge -= lineHeight_x2) {
                            var textLine = textLines[j];
                            var containerRect = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Rect(box.origin.x, box.origin.y, box.size.width, textEdge);
                            alignTextShape(containerRect, textLine);
                    return shapeGroup;
                function appendToGroupWithoutOffset(shape, group) {
                    shape.position(0, 0);
                function alignTextShape(containerRect, textLine) {
                    var aligner = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.RectAlign(containerRect);
                    var contentBounds = textLine.drawingElement.bbox(null);
                    var contentRect = new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Rect(0, 0, contentBounds.width(), contentBounds.height());
                    var alignedBounds = aligner.align(contentRect, "center middle");
                function createCustomMarker() {
                    return new kendo.dataviz.diagram.ArrowMarker({
                        path: "M 0 0 L 8 4 L 0 8 L 2 4 z",
                        fill: "#6c6c6c",
                        stroke: {
                            color: "#6c6c6c",
                            width: 0.5
                        id: "custom",
                        orientation: "auto",
                        width: 10,
                        height: 10,
                        anchor: new kendo.dataviz.diagram.Point(7, 4)
                function capAllConnections(connections) {
                    connections.type = "cascading";
                    Array.forEach(connections, function (connection) {
                        var marker = createCustomMarker();
                        connection.path._markers.end = marker;
                        connection.path._redrawMarkers(true, connection.path.options);
                function cleanUpShapesContent(shapes) {
                    Array.forEach(shapes, function(shape) {
                        if(!/Yes|No/.test(shape.content())) {
                function getDiagramCanvasOnPage() {
                    return $telerik.$(".k-diagram").getKendoDiagram().canvas;
                global.pageLoad = pageLoad;
                global.diagram_load = diagram_load;
                global.visualizeShape = visualizeShape;

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