I have a Radgrid that has a DetailTable. Inside the of the Master I have an ItemTemplate Column that contains a checkbox. Same for the GridDataView of the DetailTable. On CheckedChanged I run a simple update query, and then rebind the RadGrid. When the rebind is done I find that the GridView is colapsed. I could use item.OwnerTableView.Rebind() on the same event instead of rebinding the whole grid. This fixes the problem for the detail Tables but if the checkbox belongs to the master tablethen i get the same effect collapsing effect. Does anyone knows how to overcome this?
Thanks in advance!
I have a Radgrid that has a DetailTable. Inside the of the Master I have an ItemTemplate Column that contains a checkbox. Same for the GridDataView of the DetailTable. On CheckedChanged I run a simple update query, and then rebind the RadGrid. When the rebind is done I find that the GridView is colapsed. I could use item.OwnerTableView.Rebind() on the same event instead of rebinding the whole grid. This fixes the problem for the detail Tables but if the checkbox belongs to the master tablethen i get the same effect collapsing effect. Does anyone knows how to overcome this?
Thanks in advance!