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DetailsView disappear after showed one second

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NickName asked on 30 Oct 2013, 06:57 AM
I use a DetailsView directly in NestedViewTemplate. It is workable.
But I use a RadTabStrip in NestedViewTemplate, and DetailsView in RadTabStrip PageView.
I got a  tricky result. that is the DetailsView show one second and then disappear. 
Could anyone tell my what's wrong in it? Thanks.
the following is my code:
            <telerik:RadGrid ID="RadGrid1" runat="server" Culture="zh-TW" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource_apply" AllowAutomaticDeletes="True" AllowAutomaticInserts="True" AllowAutomaticUpdates="True" CellSpacing="0" GridLines="None" AllowFilteringByColumn="True" AllowSorting="True">
                <MasterTableView AutoGenerateColumns="False" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource_apply" CommandItemDisplay="Top" DataKeyNames="user_email" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="15">
                        <telerik:RadTabStrip ID="RadTabStrip1" runat="server" MultiPageID="RadMultiPage1
SelectedIndex="0" Skin="Windows7">
                                <telerik:RadTab runat="server" Text="USER" PageViewID="RadPageView1
                        <telerik:RadMultiPage ID="RadMultiPage1" runat="server">
                            <telerik:RadPageView ID="RadPageView1" runat="server">
                                <asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource_register" runat="server" ContextTypeName="db_DataContext" EntityTypeName="" TableName="register" Where="email == @email">
                                        <asp:ControlParameter ControlID="Label1" Name="email" PropertyName="Text" Type="String" />
                                <asp:Label ID="Label1" Font-Bold="true" Font-Italic="true" Text='<%# Eval("user_email") %>' Visible="false" runat="server"></asp:Label>
                                        <asp:DetailsView ID="DetailsView_user" runat="server" DataSourceID="LinqDataSource_register" Width="300px" Height="300px" AutoGenerateRows="false">
                                                <asp:BoundField DataField="id" HeaderText="id" InsertVisible="False" ReadOnly="True" SortExpression="id" />
                                                <asp:BoundField DataField="name" HeaderText="name" SortExpression="name" />
                                                <asp:BoundField DataField="orgnaization" HeaderText="orgnaization" SortExpression="orgnaization" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="apply_no" FilterControlAltText="Filter apply_no column" HeaderText="apply_no" SortExpression="apply_no" UniqueName="apply_no" DataType="System.Int32" ReadOnly="True">
                                <ModelErrorMessage Text=""></ModelErrorMessage>
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="user_email" FilterControlAltText="Filter user_email column" HeaderText="user_email" SortExpression="user_email" UniqueName="user_email">
                                <ModelErrorMessage />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="type" FilterControlAltText="Filter type column" HeaderText="type" SortExpression="type" UniqueName="type">
                                <ModelErrorMessage />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="usage" FilterControlAltText="Filter usage column" HeaderText="usage" SortExpression="usage" UniqueName="usage">
                                <ModelErrorMessage Text="" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="date_apply" DataType="System.DateTime" FilterControlAltText="Filter date_apply column" HeaderText="date_apply" SortExpression="date_apply" UniqueName="date_apply">
                                <ModelErrorMessage Text="" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="review_status" FilterControlAltText="Filter review_status column" HeaderText="review_status" SortExpression="review_status" UniqueName="review_status">
                                <ModelErrorMessage Text="" />
                        <telerik:GridBoundColumn DataField="reject" DataType="System.Int32" FilterControlAltText="Filter reject column" HeaderText="reject" SortExpression="reject" UniqueName="reject">
                                <ModelErrorMessage Text="" />
                        <EditColumn FilterControlAltText="Filter EditCommandColumn1 column" UniqueName="EditCommandColumn1" ButtonType="ImageButton">
                        <PopUpSettings Modal="true" />
                    <ItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                    <AlternatingItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                    <HeaderStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
                    <FilterItemStyle HorizontalAlign="Center" />
        <asp:LinqDataSource ID="LinqDataSource_apply" runat="server" ContextTypeName="db_DataContext" EntityTypeName="" TableName="apply" EnableDelete="True" EnableInsert="True" EnableUpdate="True"></asp:LinqDataSource>

8 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Nov 2013, 03:54 PM

I tried replicating the described behavior, however I was not able to. Could you elaborate more on your scenario? Is the RadGrid ajaxified? If it is - try disabling Ajax by commenting out the RadAjaxManager or setting its EnableAjax property to false and see if the issue is still observed.

Similar scenario where RadTabStrip with DetailsView control is placed in a NestedViewTemplate of a RadGrid is illustrated in this online demo.

I created a simplified version of the demo and am sending it as an attachment. It is working as expected as expected on my side. Give it a try and verify if it is working on your side as well. May I ask you to tell me what modifications should be made to the project in order for the problem to be observed? This would enable me and anyone who would like to help better understand the origin of the problem.

Viktor Tachev
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to the blog feed now.
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answered on 03 Nov 2013, 07:38 AM
hi ,

i think i have same issue , i have a radgrid with nestedview  inside it there is just a radtextbox , when i aun tha app it run fine but when i press on expand button to one of grid rows it expand and show all grid data like text , i tried the demo in here but i had the same problem , and tried to disable ajax but i got the same problem and i got this error message "JavaScript runtime error: Syntax error, unrecognized expression: unsupported pseudo: 0_0" , i take screen shouts to the demo that i tried 

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answered on 03 Nov 2013, 12:26 PM

Deer Victor,
i tried your  simplified version of the demo and look what i got !!!

Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 06 Nov 2013, 04:44 PM
Hello Mohammed,

Could you provide more information on what version of RadControls you are using? What is the version of Visual Studio that you have? Is the problem observed in all browsers or is it just in IE?

I am looking forward to your reply.

Viktor Tachev
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to the blog feed now.
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answered on 07 Nov 2013, 06:29 AM

hi Viktor ,

i am using telerik web ui Q3 2013 , visual studio 2013 and i tried your project on IE10 and chrome 30 .

i tried your project on visual studio 2012 and it worked like is supposed to , so this bug just appeared on visual studio 2013 .

and i debug the demo project on visual studio 3013 and i had the same bug .
Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 08 Nov 2013, 12:45 PM
Hello Mohammed,

There is a known issue with Visual Studio 2013 and RadControls version 2013.3.1015. It has already been fixed and this version of the IDE will be officially supported in the RadControls Q3 SP1. The service pack is due to be released in the upcoming weeks. Until then I would recommend using Visual Studio 2012.

I hope this information would be helpful.

Viktor Tachev
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to the blog feed now.
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answered on 10 Dec 2013, 06:12 PM
Same issue for me
Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
answered on 13 Dec 2013, 03:11 PM

In case you are using the VS 2013 "Browser Link" feature, note that a known issue with Hierarchy Grid is introduced in such scenarios. See the sticky thread below for more information on this matter:

Viktor Tachev
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to the blog feed now.
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Viktor Tachev
Telerik team
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