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Detailed Client Side documentation?

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Eric asked on 20 Mar 2009, 10:53 AM
I am still a bit confused by the documentation as it's a bit like launching an R & D project just to get to know the Telerik documentation (IMHO).

I have not done much javascript in the last few years and I find it quite difficult to differentiate between what is "normal" javascript/dhtml functions from the Telerik specific.
For instance,
windows.Close() does not take arguments, as clearly described in

If I look for the arguments that RadWindow.close() take (on the client side), where do I find out?

The documentation does not say anything other than the function exists... and I have just been lucky to find the answer in RadControlsAjaxCourseware.pdf towards p257 with the project \VS Projects\RealEstate\HowToModalDialog

Is there a less "lucky" way of finding these sort of answers?



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Telerik team
answered on 20 Mar 2009, 01:41 PM
Hi Eric,

The parameter of the RadWindow's close() function is optional. It is used when you need to pass arguments to the OnClientClose event handler of the control ( to return some revalue to the parent page). In this event handler you can get the value of the argument by using the following approach :

function OnClientClose(oWnd,args) 
   //get the transferred arguments 
   var arg = args.get_argument(); 

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I hope this helps.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team

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