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DesignTime Errors Q109

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SonicImaging asked on 14 Mar 2009, 03:53 PM
Hi,  After upgrading to Q1 2009, when I enter design view All of the rad controls in my project show

Error Rendering Control
Error Creating Control

If I delete the dlls from the bin folder and drag a control from the toolbox I get

System.IO.FileNotFoundException for the control I just dragged over.

I converted the RadControlsExamples project to vs 2008 and the same thing happens with the live examples in vs 2008 with .net 3.5 that are installed on my machine.

All of the controls run its just the design time error.  I ran into this a while ago and it was fixed in a new build.

Also is there a detailed doc that explains what changes were made to the skins from 08 to Q109,   I assumed they would be upgraded for the new release not drastically changed as they are.  I thought I was being smart having my clients select the rad skins they like then having my graphic designer design the site based on the controls so I wouldn't have to deal with a lot of customizing.  Ive noticed colors have changed between 08 and 09,  setup of the sprite files has changed, sizes have changed, etc...  I either have to have my designer do some re-designs or I need to take the 08 skins and convert them to 09 myslef without changing so much.

I already had my designer re-do some designs for my clients since I knew the default2006 skin would be going away,  which was the skin most of my clients liked, but now the skins have drastically changed.

Why couldn't you at least keep the colors / images the same while upgrading the skins for the new release?  Then if you wanted a new look then add more skins.

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answered on 14 Mar 2009, 04:19 PM
I read the post from Tervel Peykov about why it was done which I can understand.  If your converting customer skins to the new changes, could you convert the 08 skins as they are to the 09 format without all of the visual changes colors, fonts, sizes?   This would make the people that just use the stock skins happy then for people that customize their skins it would give them a base skin to start from.
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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 02:11 AM
Anything more that I can try?

I uninstalled the 08 version
made sure the dlls were removed from the GAC
Cleared out the .net temp files
Installed 09
made sure there were no references to version numbers in the web.config
still I get the same errors in design mode.

I also uninstalled .net and VS then re-installed both and sp1,  same problem with either a new website or the demo's on the machine.

I removed 09 and re-installed 08 and I can access the controls in Design mode so ill just stay at the last version until all of this is sorted out
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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 03:29 PM
I figured id give it one more shot this morning, but still no luck.  Have I missed anything to try?   Still the same issues with my project, the live examples and if I create a new project.

Telerik,  Can I at least get a answer if it could be a problem with the release or something locally here going on?   Should I keep trying, wait or just bail on the new release?

This is what Ive tried this morning

Uninstall Q408
made sure telerik dll's are not in GAC  windows/assembly
Deleted temporary files for
Deleted files from C:\Users\[username]\AppData\Local\Microsoft\VisualStudio\9.0\ProjectAssemblies
Restarted computer
Launched VS without radcontrols installed then quit
Downloaded Fresh installer
Installed Q109
Restarted Computer
Launched VS and created a new website
Dragged scriptmanager to the page
Went into design mode and got the same error with just the script manager
Here is the exact error

Error Rendering Control - RadScriptManager1
An unhandled exception has occurred
Could not load file or assembly 'Telerik.Web.UI, Version=2009.1.311.35, Culture=neutral,
PublicKeyToken=121fae78165ba3d4' or one of its dependencies. The system cannot find the file specified.

I checked the ProjectAssemblies folder and the correct dll has been moved there.
All the referances are correct in the web.config file and made sure there were no versions in there.  I also
copied the web.config from the live examples folder and removed anything irrelivant
Then I downloaded and installed visual studio extensions
Tried configure website,  same error ( actually it added a 2nd referance to radupload, deleted that )
Then I tried to use the template wizard and added a few different controls but any controls that the template manager adds show the same error in design mode.
Peter Zolja
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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 06:20 PM
I haven't tried Q1 yet but here's something you could try with the design time errors. What I did with the previous releases was to never install anything in the GAC, put everything in the bin folder. In web.config remove all version specific information. Where you have type="SomeNamespace, SomeAssembly, Version=xxxxx, Culture=neutral, PublicKeyToken=xxxxxxxxx" you can remove everything after SomeAssembly, i.e. version, culture, and public token. If you do this VS will use only the files from the bin folder and upgrading is as simple as copying the new files over. One caveat is that when you upgrade this way you have to overwrite all the Telerik files in the solution. Also, keep in mind that I don't use the designer, I type directly in the aspx, so I don't know what the design experience is like, but I'm not getting any errors in the designer. Good luck.
Peter Zolja
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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 06:30 PM
Correction on the way to upgrade: First you need to fire up the solution, remove all references to any Telerik assembly from all the projects. Doing this removes any assembly reference, the solution will not compile. Now you need to replace all the Telerik assemblies from your project. It's important to replace all of them at once. What can happen is that, let's say, you have Project1 that references the Telerik assemblies. Project2 references Project1 and the Telerik assemblies as well. If you only remove the assemblies from Project2, without removing them from Project1, if you recompile the solution VS may copy the old assemblies from Project1. I said may because it depends on how you assigned the references. In any case, to keep it simple, just replace all the Telerik files from the bin folders of all the projects in the solution and only then re-add the reference and then finally recompile. I hope this helps.
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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 07:01 PM
Peter thanks for the info, your awsome!!!

I didn't have versions but I did have the PublicKeyToken so ill make sure I remove those from the web.config

Ive always stayed away from installing in the GAC since its not that way on my shared host and Ive always cleared the temp files thenn copied the dlls from the 35 bin folder in the install,  but this time that's not working.

Ill give your suggestions another try a bit later and let you know the outcome


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answered on 15 Mar 2009, 10:39 PM
Its working now, Thanks for your suggestions it sent me in the right direction.   Basiclly I uninstalled Q109 and just used the manual installation and copied the dll's to the bin folder and now the designers work fine.  I code everything but I find I can prototype functionality for my clients quicker using the designers then do the final code once they approve the fuctionality.

You cant uninstall the Visual Studio Extensions if you uninstall the controls first.

This is what I tried last....
I didn't have PublicKeyToken or versions for the Telerik controls in my web.config just for the entries.

I did try another re-install and got the same exact problem. My Dev machine has a single solution and a single project since its a framework All of my clients sites are under this single project.  The only other project on my system is the test one I made after installing Q109.

Q109 installer puts the dlls in the GAC by itself I think unlike the last version,  but I couldnt remove them with the gacutil,  I got this error
Unable to uninstall: assembly is required by one or more applications
Pending references:
              SCHEME: <WINDOWS_INSTALLER>  ID: <MSI>  DESCRIPTION : <Windows Installer>
Number of assemblies uninstalled = 0
Number of failures = 0

If this happens usually KB 842731 fixes this issue,  but that's not the case here.  So I just uninstalled Q109 and they were removed.  I tried the tool with some other 3rd party controls and I could add and remove them at will.  I also had indexing service off since that can prevent the removal also.  Maby something going in with the installer?

I think if I could remove them from the GAC I might have worked

Peter Zolja
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answered on 16 Mar 2009, 03:16 AM
Glad I could help. It's possible the installer is doing something wrong. Maybe Telerik could confirm that; I wouldn't know where to start with that :)
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answered on 16 Mar 2009, 11:53 AM
I received a email from support with the following link 

Meet Telerik.Web.Design.dll

So it seems I had .net updated to 3.5 but for some reason I didn't have VS updated to sp1,  must have grabbed the wrong installer when I recovered from a system crash a few weeks ago.

I updated VS to sp1 and its fine,   But I don't like having the DLL's put in the GAC and having to remove them after since sometimes that doesn't always work on vista with the GACUTIL

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answered on 17 Mar 2009, 06:08 AM
Well, I had the same problem. Now it works fine without uninstall Q12009. Firstly, I delete version number in web.config as Peter Zolja suggested. Secondly, uninstalled Telerik.Web.Design from GAC. If you uninstall directly, you will get error as "Unable to uninstall: assembly is required by one or more applications". Hic... now you need DOS skill:D. Go to cmd, enter "cd C:\WINDOWS\assembly\GAC_MSIL\Telerik.Web.Design\2009.1.311.35__121fae78165ba3d4" then "DEL * " , " Y ". Redo similar for 2009.1.311.20. Check again in C:\Windows\assembly make sure that Telerik.Web.Design is removed. It works now.
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answered on 17 Mar 2009, 01:28 PM
Van,  thank you that worked perfectly!!

Q109 is installed,  Designers work and the dlls are gone from the GAC,  Very handy tip!


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answered on 24 Mar 2009, 02:49 PM
Well I have the same problem -plus appearance of TabStrip has changed.  I really don't have time for all this messing about (which is why I use these components in the first place) - simple solution - Remove Q1 2009!
Telerik team
answered on 24 Mar 2009, 03:04 PM
Hi Diane,

Do you have a reference to the Telerik.Web.Design assembly in your project? Review the following blog post (referenced in the discussion below) which elaborates on this subject for more details about how to address design-time errors with the Q1 2009 release of RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX.

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the Telerik team

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Bruce Hochstetler
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 06:11 PM
Hi All,

I just recently downloaded and installed 2009.1.318.35 from the internal builds; this solved several issues, but now I have the 'Render' error. I've tried everything that was posted here. I uninstalled telerik, verified the gac was empty, verified the web.config did not refer to a specific version, installed telerik, before starting vs2008, I copied the dll's to the bin directory of the project, start vs2008... render error.

Any other ideas?

Peter Zolja
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 06:47 PM
I could be wrong, but when you "install" Telerik doesn't that change the GAC? What I do is just use the non-install version (I forget what it's called, something with manual I think). Just a guess...
Bruce Hochstetler
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answered on 25 Mar 2009, 07:55 PM

Yes you are right, the installer put the dll back into the gac. So I uninstalled yet again, verified the dll's were removed from the GAC - yes, grab'd the zip of internal builds (2009.1.324), unzip it, restarted vs, removed the references and put new references, dropped the new dll's into the bin directory... and of course must restart vs... now all is right with the world.

It would seem that maybe Telerik should provide the option of installing into the gac or not!



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Peter Zolja
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Bruce Hochstetler
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