I am using rad combobox in several pages of my website. I have updated all of its instances in my code after getting the latest version of Rad Combobox.
But earlier i was making use of description field in the combobox:
I am using rad combobox in several pages of my website. I have updated all of its instances in my code after getting the latest version of Rad Combobox.
But earlier i was making use of description field in the combobox:
radC:RadComboBox ID="combPayment" runat="server" Description="PAYMENT_TABLE" MarkFirstMatch="true"
AllowCustomText="False" ExpandEffect="Fade" Height="150px" NoWrap="True" Width="200px"
TabIndex="4" >
And the new version doesn't have any description field.
This field contains the name of the database table, used to fill the comboboxes.
Now i don't want to add dynamic attributes to combobox , So is there any other field that i can use or any other way ?