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Delete of Task in RadGantt gives Javascript Error from Ajax Panel Update

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chris asked on 27 Jul 2016, 11:44 PM

I've got a RadGantt that is both an AjaxControl and an AjaxUpdatedControl in a RadAjaxManager.

The control and the Ajax Updates work fine for everything except for deleting a task.

Sometimes a delete works fine, but about 90% of the time I get a javascript error when the page is attempting to update.

'Unable to get property 'oldUpdatePanelIDs' of undefined or null reference'

is coming from function  _getPageLoadingEventArgs.

I don't understand why this doesn't happen all the time (or at all really), or why only on deletes.  What would be different about the call or returned values based on the function?  Anyone else seeing this behavior.


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answered on 28 Jul 2016, 07:49 PM
NOT a RadGantt issue - we've got the same problem on several other pages, but not all pages.  All pages use the RadAjaxManager, so need to narrow down what is causing the issue.  It is always the same actions on certain pages however (ex Deleting a task on RadGantt).
Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
answered on 01 Aug 2016, 01:52 PM
Hello Chris,

If you have narrowed the issue down to the RadAjaxManager, I would suggest opening another ticket with product RadAjax for ASP.NET and providing enough information, a sample runnable page for example, for further investigation of the scenario and the AjaxManager's behavior.

Ivan Danchev
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answered on 01 Aug 2016, 02:42 PM

Actually, after significant digging I found that the error was in the code-behind and the error was not being thrown all the way to the client.  It was the lack of a valid response through the AjaxManager that was causing the client-side problem.  This can be considered closed/solved.

Thank you

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Ivan Danchev
Telerik team
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