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Default typed in value to PM instead of AM

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Jeff asked on 08 May 2017, 05:29 PM
Currently when a user types into our radTimePicker it defaults to "AM" For instance if they type 4:00 it will automatically make this an "AM" value. We're using the timepicker in a situation where a user is picking a start time and an end time. The end time will most often be in the afternoon and to avoid accidental mistakes we'd like the default to be "PM". Is that possible?

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answered on 11 May 2017, 02:28 PM

I am afraid that the requested functionality is not offered by the TimePicker control. You can see the available options to control the Input format in these articles: 
Formatting the values in the input area,
Date Format Patterns

If you'd like you can configure the DateInput to show 24:00 hours day instead of the default 12:00 hours day.

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