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Default skin vs Web.UI skin vs skin=""

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Tomica asked on 17 Sep 2012, 10:16 PM
I am confused over the use of "default" skin terminology

In the Configure Project dialog I select a skin that is supposedly the "default".

Let's use Metro, since it is very distinctive.

If I go to RadMenu tasks I can also select a "default" skin which is different from Metro. (basically shades of gray)

If I edit the HTML and change "skin="default" to "skin="" then I get something else entirely.

Removing "skin=" completely gives the the default project skin of Metro, as intended.

However, when I go back to RadMenu tasks, the skin remains listed as "default".

It seems to me that the term is overloaded.

I am also finding differences with Metro Touch, where I don't get the project default, and need to specify the skin explicitly for certain controls. Since that skin was just released, I think it will take a while for consistent integration. But those issues brought the confusion (in my mind) to the forefront.

Can anyone explain what is going on?

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Telerik team
answered on 20 Sep 2012, 10:41 AM
Hello Tomica,

Note that Default is a name of a skin. It is the default skin applied to RadControls if you do not set a different one explicitly or through the designer/configurator. So, if you do not choose a different skin in the configurator, the default skin will remain set to "Default".

In the configurator, you are allowed to choose a default skin for you application which is added as a key in your web.config. This saves you the time to always set a skin name explicitly for each control.

Having said that the Skin property of RadControls is set to "Default", setting Skin="" means that no skin will be applied to the certain component, not even "Default".

Let me know if there is anything unclear in my explanation or if you still have any questions unanswered on this subject.

the Telerik team
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answered on 25 Sep 2012, 05:05 PM
I ran a clean test, completely new page, not linked to a Master, etc.

Project skin is set to MetroTouch.

Add RadCombo, verify that skin setting is shown as "Default".

View page, and MetroTouch is the skin that is used.

Check HTML code and find that there is no "Skin=" setting.
Change skin property to Telerik and verify page.

Change skin propety to Default and find that I do, in fact get the "Default" skin, rather than MetroTouch as first indicated above.

Conclusion: you cannot trust what you see VS2010 Properties display if it shows "Default", the actual HTML could be "correct" as in the first case cited above (MetroTouch), or it could be unintendedly set to the internal "Default" skin.

Now that I know this, I can easily correct.

However, if I simply delete the "Default" setting in the Properties window, I would expect that that we would get something similar to "NotSet" rather than Skin="" and default to the configured project "default" of MetroTouch, rather than no skin at all.

I don't think this is worth filing a bug report on, but it is an inconsistency not typically found elsewhere.
Telerik team
answered on 28 Sep 2012, 11:17 AM
Hello Tomica,

I notified the team who takes care of our VS extensions, so they have in mind your feedback. They will look into it and if needed and possible, modify the behavior of the deisgner and project wizard.

Kind regards,
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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