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Dayview - Show hours column = true

1 Answer 96 Views
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Howard Ganz
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Rank 1
Howard Ganz asked on 03 Mar 2009, 05:57 PM

In the Dayview of the scheduler, I'm trying to show the hours coumn . But it is not showing up. I have set the property "showhourscolumn=true" for the Dayview. I'm pasting my scheduler code:


<telerik:RadScheduler ID="RadSchedulerCalendar" runat="server" Height="583px"



FirstDayOfWeek="Sunday" AllowInsert="false" AllowEdit="false"



AllowDelete="false" DataKeyField="ID" DataStartField="Start" DataEndField ="End"



DataSubjectField="Subject" DataRecurrenceField="RecurrenceRule"



DataRecurrenceParentKeyField="RecurrenceParentID" EnableViewState="false" SelectedView="MonthView"



ShowNavigationPane="true" ShowAllDayRow ="false" MonthView-ReadOnly="true" DayView-ReadOnly="true"



onnavigationcommand="RadSchedulerCalendar_NavigationCommand" Localization-ShowMore="More"



onappointmentcreated="RadSchedulerCalendar_AppointmentCreated" Skin='<%# ConfigurationManager.AppSettings["project"] == "duelrz" ? "Default" : "Web20" %>'



ShowFullTime="true" ShowFooter="false" TimeLabelRowSpan="1" OnClientTimeSlotClick="OnClientTimeSlotClickHandler"



ontimeslotcreated="RadSchedulerCalendar_TimeSlotCreated" OverflowBehavior="Scroll" EnableEmbeddedSkins="False">



<DayView UserSelectable="false" ShowHoursColumn="true" />



<WeekView UserSelectable="false" ShowHoursColumn="false" />



<TimelineView UserSelectable="true" NumberOfSlots="7" SlotDuration="1" />



<MonthView VisibleAppointmentsPerDay="3" GroupingDirection="Horizontal" />






<asp:Panel ID="pnlApp" runat="server" ></asp:Panel>








What should I do to see the hours column in the Dayview?

I have one more question. In the dayview, I want to show appointments continuously . But I see that if one appointment starts at 3 am and the other starts at 2 pm the same day, there is a huge gap between the two appointments while displaying. We are not worried about the hours. But we just want to show all the appointments for a day one after the other disregarding the hours it starts in the dayview.

Can we do that? Is there a workaround?


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Telerik team
answered on 05 Mar 2009, 03:19 PM
Hello Howard,

We replied in the bug report that you sent for the same issue:

"Upgrading to the current version (2008.3.1314) should fix the problem with the hours column.

However, in light of your second question, you may not need to use DayView at all. I suggest you consider the Timeline view with slot duration of one day. "

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Howard Ganz
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Rank 1
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Telerik team
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