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Daylight Savings

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Jon asked on 26 Mar 2014, 02:58 PM

I'm having an issue with multi-day appointments that span the date on which Greenwich Mean Time (GMT) changes to British Summer Time (BST).

The attached screenshots show:

  1. The creation of an all day appointment which starts on 24th March 2014 and ends on 6th April 2014
  2. A Week view for the Week Commencing 24th March
  3. A Week view for the Week Commencing 31st March
  4. A Month View for March
  5. A Month View for April
  6. The record from the Appointments table (in SQL)

GMT changes to BST on Sunday 30th March.

Note that, in the Week view for the Week Commencing 24th March, the appointment does not display for Sunday 30th March but in the Month View for March, it does.

The RadScheduler control is defined as follows in the markup:

            <telerik:RadScheduler ID="RadScheduler1" runat="server" DataSourceID="AppointmentsDataSource" DataKeyField="ID" DataSubjectField="Subject" DataDescriptionField="Description" DataStartField="Start" DataEndField="End" Culture="en-GB" FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" LastDayOfWeek="Sunday" SelectedView="WeekView" DisplayRecurrenceActionDialogOnMove="false" EnableExactTimeRendering="True" MinutesPerRow="150" TimeZoneID="GMT Standard Time" DayStartTime="08:00:00" DayEndTime="18:00:00" WorkDayStartTime="08:00:00" WorkDayEndTime="18:00:00" EnableDescriptionField="True" HoursPanelTimeFormat="HH:mm" OverflowBehavior="Expand" RenderMode="Auto" StartInsertingInAdvancedForm="True" DataReminderField="Reminder" ResolvedRenderMode="Classic" Localization-ContextMenuAddAppointment="New Absence or On Call Entry" ShowFooter="False" AppointmentStyleMode="Default" RowHeight="35px" CustomAttributeNames="CreatedBy, CreatedDate, LastModifiedBy, LastModifiedDate" TimeZoneOffset="01:00:00">


                    <Pdf PageBottomMargin="1in" PageLeftMargin="1in" PageRightMargin="1in" PageTopMargin="1in" />


                <AdvancedForm Modal="True" TimeFormat="HH:mm" DateFormat="dd/MM/yyyy" Width="90%"></AdvancedForm>

                <WeekView DayStartTime="08:00:00" DayEndTime="18:00:00" WorkDayStartTime="08:00:00" WorkDayEndTime="18:00:00" EnableExactTimeRendering="True" ColumnHeaderDateFormat="dddd dd MMMM yyyy"></WeekView>

                <DayView DayStartTime="08:00:00" DayEndTime="18:00:00" WorkDayStartTime="08:00:00" WorkDayEndTime="18:00:00" EnableExactTimeRendering="True"></DayView>

                <MultiDayView DayStartTime="08:00:00" DayEndTime="18:00:00" WorkDayStartTime="08:00:00" WorkDayEndTime="18:00:00" EnableExactTimeRendering="True" />

                <MonthView HeaderDateFormat="MMMM, yyyy" FirstDayHeaderDateFormat="dd MMMM" AdaptiveRowHeight="True" VisibleAppointmentsPerDay="25"></MonthView>

                <TimelineView UserSelectable="False" />

                <AgendaView UserSelectable="True" ResourceMarkerType="None" ReadOnly="True" ShowResourceHeaders="False" />




                            <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="New Absence or On Call Entry" Value="CommandAddAppointment"></telerik:RadMenuItem>

                            <telerik:RadMenuItem Text="Go to Today" Value="CommandGoToToday"></telerik:RadMenuItem>





                    <telerik:ResourceType KeyField="ID" Name="Category" TextField="Category" ForeignKeyField="CategoryID" DataSourceID="CategoriesDataSource"></telerik:ResourceType>



                    <div style="position:relative;top:4px">

                        <%# Eval("Subject") & " (" & Eval("Category.Text") & ")"%>




                    <scheduler:AdvancedForm runat="server" ID="AdvancedEditForm1" Mode="Edit" Subject='<%# Bind("Subject") %>' Description='<%# Bind("Description") %>' Start='<%# Bind("Start") %>' End='<%# Bind("End") %>' CategoryID='<%# Bind("Category") %>' />



                    <scheduler:AdvancedForm runat="server" ID="AdvancedInsertForm1" Mode="Insert" Subject='<%# Bind("Subject") %>' Start='<%# Bind("Start") %>' End='<%# Bind("End") %>' Description='<%# Bind("Description") %>' CategoryID='<%# Bind("Category") %>' />


                <TimeSlotContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true"></TimeSlotContextMenuSettings>

                <AppointmentContextMenuSettings EnableDefault="true"></AppointmentContextMenuSettings>


Please could you advise what the problem might be.

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answered on 27 Mar 2014, 02:08 PM
It seems that I may have resolved this (or worked around it) myself. I found that if I reset the TimeZoneID and TimeZoneOffset properties to their default values (blank and 00:00:00 instead of GMT Standard Time and 01:00:00), the problem went away. The start and end time values in the appointments table for all/multi day events are now always being recorded as 00:00:00.000 instead of 23:00:00.000 (on the previous day) where the dates fell within the British Summer Time period.

However, this doesn't explain why the Month and Week Views were displaying the same multi-day appointment differently! Over to Telerik ...
Boyan Dimitrov
Telerik team
answered on 31 Mar 2014, 02:31 PM

I would like to confirm that there is a problem with rendering appointments for this time span when the time zone id is set to "GMT Standard Time".  I have already logged it as a bug in our system for future fixing.

As a token of gratitude I updated your Telerik points.

Boyan Dimitrov

Build cross-platform mobile apps using Visual Studio and .NET. Register for the online webinar on 03/27/2014, 11:00AM US ET.. Seats are limited.

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Boyan Dimitrov
Telerik team
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