I have been trying to solve this issue for three days now and it is driving me nuts.
I am sure it is just a setting that I have not set or something I have forgot to do so here I am looking for any help I can get.
Visual Studio 2010 ultimate
SQL 2008 Enterprise
.net 4.0
Telerik.Web.UI, v2013.1.403.40
OK here is the scenario.
Add an appointment to RadScheduler and it works fine, you can carry out all the functions and RadScheduler handles the data fine. It shows appointments in the correct time slots and right dates.
If you look in the SQL Database at the data the Start and End dates and times do not match what RadScheduler shows.
If you enter an appointment before 9 am it shows with the date of the previous day. After 9 am has correct date but wrong time. None of the appoints have the correct times.
I have checked my Regional settings, set the correct TimeZoneID in RadScheduler and am now at my wits end.
The only reason I am worrying about it is that i need to access the data in the SQL database from another function and I cant gather the correct appointments by date or times as none of them match what's in the SQL Database.
I have attached some screen shots that better show the process and matching data. I have only a single appointment to help keep it simple.
I put a debug message in the RadScheduler Insert and Update appointment and this is the data I captured
This was for the 9 am appointment image (SQL1)
Update Start Time= 14/04/2014 11:30:00 PM
Update End Time 15/04/2014
Update Time Zone= E. Australia Standard Time
Update Duration= 00:30:00
This was for the 9:30 am appointment image (SQL2)
Update Start Time= 14/04/2014 11:00:00 PM
Update End Time 14/04/2014 11:30:00 PM
Update Time Zone= E. Australia Standard Time
Update Duration= 00:30:00
This is the 10 am appointment (SQL3)
Update Start Time= 14/04/2014 11:30:00 PM
Update End Time 15/04/2014
Update Time Zone= E. Australia Standard Time
Update Duration= 00:30:00
<telerik:RadScheduler ID="QuoteScheduler" runat="server"
DataDescriptionField="Description" DataEndField="End" DataKeyField="ID"
DataReminderField="Reminder" DataStartField="Start"
DataSubjectField="Subject" Height="587px" Skin="Office2010Black"
TimeZoneID="E. Australia Standard Time" TimeZoneOffset="10:00:00"
DataSourceID="QuoteAppointSQL" RowHeight="22px"
StartInsertingInAdvancedForm="True" EnableTheming="True"
Font-Names="Calibri" Font-Size="Small" EditFormTimeFormat="hh:mm" HoursPanelTimeFormat="htt"
FirstDayOfWeek="Monday" LastDayOfWeek="Sunday" DayStartTime="04:30:00" DayEndTime="19:00:00"
WorkDayStartTime="04:30:00" WorkDayEndTime="19:00:00" EnableCustomAttributeEditing="True">
<ExportSettings FileName="Quote Appointments.pdf">
<Pdf PageHeight="297mm" PageWidth="210mm" PaperSize="A4" Producer="mrConcrete" />
<AdvancedForm Modal="True" TimeFormat="hh:mm" EnableCustomAttributeEditing="True" />
<telerik:ResourceType DataSourceID="ResourceSQL" ForeignKeyField="UserID" KeyField="ID" Name="AdminUser" TextField= "FullName" />
<Localization AdvancedSubject="Appointment Subject" Save="Save Appointment" />
<TimelineView ColumnHeaderDateFormat="ddd-MM" HeaderDateFormat="ddd-MM" />
<DayView DayStartTime="04:00:00" WorkDayEndTime="19:00:00" WorkDayStartTime="04:00:00" />
<MonthView HeaderDateFormat="MMMM, yyyy" />
Code Behind in FormCreate
If e.Container.Mode <> SchedulerFormMode.Insert AndAlso e.Container.Mode <> SchedulerFormMode.Edit Then
Dim Combo As RadComboBox = TryCast(e.Container.FindControl("ResAdminUser"), RadComboBox)
FindName = GetData("Select FirstName from Users where ID=" & Me.UserNum.Text)
FindName = FindName & " " & GetData("Select Surname from Users where ID=" & Me.UserNum.Text)
If Combo.Text <= "" Then Combo.SelectedIndex = Combo.FindItemIndexByText(FindName)
Dim StartDate As RadDatePicker = TryCast(e.Container.FindControl("StartDate"), RadDatePicker)
StartDate.SelectedDate = Today
Dim StartTime As RadTimePicker = TryCast(e.Container.FindControl("StartTime"), RadTimePicker)
StartTime.TimeView.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)
StartTime.TimeView.TimeFormat = "hh:mm tt"
StartTime.TimeView.StartTime = TimeSpan.FromHours("4.00")
StartTime.TimeView.EndTime = TimeSpan.FromHours("18.00")
StartTime.TimeView.Columns = 4
StartTime.TimeView.HeaderText = "Start Time For " & FindName
startTime.TimeView.DataList.DataSource = Nothing
Dim EndTime As RadTimePicker = TryCast(e.Container.FindControl("EndTime"), RadTimePicker)
EndTime.TimeView.Interval = New TimeSpan(0, 30, 0)
EndTime.TimeView.TimeFormat = "hh:mm tt"
EndTime.TimeView.StartTime = TimeSpan.FromHours("04.00")
EndTime.TimeView.EndTime = TimeSpan.FromHours("19.00")
EndTime.TimeView.Columns = 4
EndTime.TimeView.HeaderText = "End Time For " & FindName
EndTime.TimeView.DataList.DataSource = Nothing
End If
end if
I am not sure what else I can supply but I hope this enough for somebody much smarter then me to point me in the right direction of give me some hints and what I am doing wrong.
Thanks in advance