I have a RadGrid which exports data successfully in both Excel and .CSV file. The odd behaviour I am noticing is that when the page is run in intranet, IE prompts to either open/save the exported file. If I click on open, Excel application automatically opens it.
The same application when deployed in internet behaves differently. Exported data from grid is not opened automatically by excel instead prompts "OPEN WITH" different list of applications to choose from. File type is not recognized and original file name should be "PO_Media_Report_Excel.xls" rather it shows PO_Media_Report [1] or something like that.... :(
Could you please let me know why is it happening?
Codesnippet as below:
gridPOMedia.ExportSettings.ExportOnlyData =
gridPOMedia.ExportSettings.IgnorePaging = True
gridPOMedia.ExportSettings.OpenInNewWindow = True
gridPOMedia.ExportSettings.FileName = "PO_Media_Report_Excel" + Now.Date
On the same note, why the .pdf export looks so horrible. If you have say around 10-15 columns in the grid, column data are overlapping.
Many thanks for suggestion.
Milan G