I have a report having 28 column to display with 13000 records with grouping applied on 3 fields which comes in 890 pages it takes around 2 mins to render.How to improve the performance of the report?
I am binding List<Generic Type> as report data source.
1 Answer, 1 is accepted
Telerik team
answered on 06 Sep 2024, 12:27 PM
Hello Umang,
Thank you for the provided information!
The first thing that I recommend is to try and filter the data on the server before it is provided to the report rather than filtering it within the report itself. This is what we refer to as "Server-side" filtering - Filtering Data at a Glance - Telerik Reporting.
After that, you may have a look at the Performance Factors at a Glance - Telerik Reporting article where we have a list of reporting functionalities that slows down the performance of the rendering that you may try to remove from your report.
Generally, the simpler the report is the better for performance but the sheer number of pages being around 1000 is expected to require at least 1-2 mins of rendering time.
Does using list as Data source in .net code and instead of directly using some entity I am using CSV data source in report to bind the data. Does it affect the performance, and if I directly use entites will it increase the performance of report rendering?
Telerik team
commented on 10 Sep 2024, 12:48 PM
If you filter the entities before using them in the report, yes, it will help since there will be less data that needs to be loaded by the reporting engine.
However, if the amount of data is the same, there won't be much of a difference but using initialized entities should still be better for performance.