I have added function below for showing jobstatus in different color as per requirement. for that i have added some html code and showing as i want.
function page_load() {
var $ = $telerik.$;
var $header = $(".rsHeader h2");
var result = '';
result += '<Span class ="tab">' + "<u>Job Status:</u> " + '<Span class ="clr1"> ' + "Success" + '</span>' + '<Span class ="clr2">' + " Runing " + '</span>' + '<Span class ="clr3">' + " Failed " + '<span>' + '<Span class ="clr4">' + " Deleted " + '</span>' + '</span>';
$header.html($header.html() + result)
Code Behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "page_load()", true);
But after inserting record the labels not showing on header after today date means page is not loading again. Please give me any idea ?? where we can call this function Page_Load(). You can see implemented changes in attachment image.
I have added function below for showing jobstatus in different color as per requirement. for that i have added some html code and showing as i want.
function page_load() {
var $ = $telerik.$;
var $header = $(".rsHeader h2");
var result = '';
result += '<Span class ="tab">' + "<u>Job Status:</u> " + '<Span class ="clr1"> ' + "Success" + '</span>' + '<Span class ="clr2">' + " Runing " + '</span>' + '<Span class ="clr3">' + " Failed " + '<span>' + '<Span class ="clr4">' + " Deleted " + '</span>' + '</span>';
$header.html($header.html() + result)
Code Behind:
protected void Page_Load(object sender, EventArgs e)
Page.ClientScript.RegisterStartupScript(this.GetType(), "CallMyFunction", "page_load()", true);
But after inserting record the labels not showing on header after today date means page is not loading again. Please give me any idea ?? where we can call this function Page_Load(). You can see implemented changes in attachment image.