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Custom task Update

2 Answers 141 Views
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Igor asked on 28 Jan 2020, 01:16 PM

When a child's task start/stop date is changed, parent task is changed as well.
I need to disable this behavior. I want a parent task start/stop date to be changed only directly.
I tried this:

protected void RadGantt1_TaskUpdate(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.TaskEventArgs e)
  while (((List<Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.ITask>)e.Tasks).Count>1)


This works, but for all changes. So when % of completed is changed on a child, this is not changed on the parent task.
I need to know, what is the change when TaskUpdate is triggered on the server. 
Or another solution.
Thank you.

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Peter Milchev
Telerik team
answered on 31 Jan 2020, 08:48 AM

Hello Igor,

In the TaskUpdate event, you can access the modified tasks, and based on their ID property, you can get the original task from the Gantt: 

protected void RadGantt1_TaskUpdate(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.TaskEventArgs e)
    var gantt = sender as RadGantt;
    foreach (var newTask in e.Tasks)
        var originalTask = gantt.GetAllTasks().FirstOrDefault(t => t.ID == newTask.ID);
        // compare original and modified tasks properties...

Peter Milchev
Progress Telerik

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answered on 31 Jan 2020, 11:51 AM

Thank you for your answer.
Unfortunately, in my case is gantt.GetAllTasks() empty. 
For now, I created a dirty workaround. I will add needed info to the task name and then removing it when needed.


function OnClientTaskResizeEnd(sender, args)
      var parent = sender.get_allTasks().filter(function (item)
        return args.get_task().parentId ==
      if (parent.length > 0)
        //Is child taks outside parent boundaries?
        if (args.get_start() < parent[0]._data.start || args.get_end() > parent[0]._data.end)
          args.get_task().title = "#CHANGE;" + encodeURIComponent(args.get_task().title) + ";RESIZE"
    function OnClientTaskMoveEnd(sender, args)
      parent = sender.get_allTasks().filter(function (item)
        return args.get_task().parentId ==
      if (parent.length > 0)
          var changeDiff = args.get_task().start - args.get_start();
          var startDiff = args.get_task().start - parent[0]._data.start;
          var endDiff = args.get_task().end - parent[0]._data.end;
          //Is child taks outside parent boundaries?
          if (startDiff - changeDiff < 0 || endDiff - changeDiff > 0)
            args.get_task().title = "#CHANGE;" + encodeURIComponent(args.get_task().title) + ";MOVE"


protected void RadGantt1_TaskUpdate(object sender, Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.TaskEventArgs e)
     var changedTask = e.Tasks.FirstOrDefault(task => task.Title.StartsWith("#CHANGE;"));
      if (changedTask != null)
      { //Remove parent tasks if needed
        while (((List<Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.ITask>)e.Tasks).Count > 0 && ((List<Telerik.Web.UI.Gantt.ITask>)e.Tasks)[0] != changedTask )


On DB update event:

public void UpdateTasksDS(Int32? PARENT_ID, Int32 ORDER_ID, string NAME, DateTime START_DATE, DateTime END_DATE, decimal PERCENT_COMPLETED, bool EXPANDED, bool SUMMARY, Int32 ID)
      if (NAME.StartsWith("#CHANGE;"))
        NAME = Uri.UnescapeDataString(NAME.Split(';')[1]);
// Rest of code...

This needs to be done for the custom task window also.


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Peter Milchev
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