I'm trying to add a custom skin to my site and I'm having some issues. I used the theme builder to modify the Silk skin. In my webapp, I added global settings to web.config to set the skin and EnableEmbeddedSkins = false. The site uses ASPNET themes, so I put all the custom CSS files in the App_Themes Theme folder. For all the controls it looks like it applied fine.
It also appears to have applied to the Grid, but I have this obnoxious black border around all my grids. If I inspect the element in the browser, it looks like .RadGrid from WebResource.axd is overriding the custom .RadGrid_ADEMGreen style, because I can uncheck the border from that class and the custom one is applied correctly. I've attached a snapshot of this from the dev tools.
If this is the case, what else is being overridden by the embedded styles? How do I fix this?