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Custom skin and LoadingPanel problem

5 Answers 119 Views
Visual Style Builder
This is a migrated thread and some comments may be shown as answers.
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Michal asked on 15 Oct 2012, 07:56 PM
I have created custom skin, based on "Sunset". Then I discovered, that my RadAjaxLoadingPanel disappeared, because there where no CSS class for it in new skin. I used Ajax.css from directory, where Telerik is installed. But I am not sure this file is good enough. And maybe something else is disappeared too. Is it possible to create Ajax.css (and maybe other missed files too) during skin creation? Is any solution for this problem exists? Regards. Michal.

5 Answers, 1 is accepted

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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 18 Oct 2012, 01:49 PM
Hello Michal,

Here is a code library example, which demonstrates how to create a custom skin for the RadAjaxLoadingPanel and provides some useful tips.

Kind regards,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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Rank 1
answered on 23 Oct 2012, 05:43 PM
Hello Maria.
Thank You for Your help.
I have 2 more questions:
1. Why Ajax.css file is not created during skin creation?
Is any other *.css file not created?
2. I have found next problem: When I use RadGrid with custom skin, selected row became lower, than other rows.
When I use embeded skin, all rows are equal. I have not change anything in custom skin yet.
My custom skin is exact copy of "Sunset".
Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 26 Oct 2012, 08:43 AM
Hello Michael,

I'm not completely sure if I correctly understand the mechanism you are using for creating the custom Skin. Could you please elaborate a bit more on this matter and send us the code you are using for creating the problematic skin.

All the best,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
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Rank 1
answered on 26 Oct 2012, 12:28 PM
Hello Maria.
I have created my custom skin using Telerik Visual Style Builder.
My skin is based on Telerik "Sunset" embeded skin.
I have not change anything in my custom skin after creation.
So, I hope, it must be an exact copy of "Sunset". BUT IT IS NOT !.
When I use "Sunet", my RadGrid rows has equal height.
When I use custom skin, my RadGrid selected row became lower.

Why it is impossible to attach *.css files?
This is Telerik Visual Style Builder created css file.

/*Telerik RadGrid Sunset Skin*/


    border:1px solid #bbb99d;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgMasterTable,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgDetailTable,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel table,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandRow table,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditForm table,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPager table,
    font:12px/16px "segoe ui",arial,sans-serif;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader:first-child,
.RadGrid_Custom th.rgResizeCol:first-child,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterRow>td:first-child,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgRow>td:first-child,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgAltRow>td:first-child

.RadGrid_Custom .rgAdd,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgRefresh,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEdit,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgDel,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilter,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPagePrev,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageNext,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageFirst,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageLast,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpand,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgCollapse,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgSortAsc,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgSortDesc,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgUpdate,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgCancel,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgUngroup,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpXLS,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpDOC,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpPDF,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpCSV


.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeaderDiv
 background:#e1dac7 0 -7550px repeat-x url('Grid/sprite.gif');
.rgTwoLines .rgHeaderDiv
 background-position:0 -7050px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader,
.RadGrid_Custom th.rgResizeCol
 border:1px solid;
 border-color:#e98879 #cd6a3f #71250a #872b07;
 background:0 -2300px repeat-x #b94d0a url('Grid/sprite.gif');

.RadGrid_Custom th.rgSorted
 border-color:#ec9883 #cd6a3f #854324 #8b3312;
 background-position:0 -2600px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader a


.RadGrid_Custom .rgRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgAltRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFooter td
 border-width:0 1px 1px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgRow td
 border-color:#fff #fff #fff #cabaab;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgAltRow

.RadGrid_Custom .rgAltRow td
 border-color:#f1e9dc #f1e9dc #f1e9dc #cabaab;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgRow .rgSorted

.RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow .rgSorted,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow .rgSorted,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow .rgSorted,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow .rgSorted

.RadGrid_Custom .rgRow a,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgAltRow a,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow a,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFooter a,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditForm a

.RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow
    background:#e38443 0 -3900px repeat-x url('Grid/sprite.gif');
*+html .RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow .rgSorted{background-color:#e38443}
* html .RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow .rgSorted{background-color:#e38443}

.RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow
    background:#f2d328 0 -2900px repeat-x url('Grid/sprite.gif');
*+html .RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow .rgSorted,
*+html .RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow .rgSorted{background-color:#f2d328}
* html .RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow .rgSorted,
* html .RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow .rgSorted{background-color:#f2d328}

.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow
*+html .RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow .rgSorted{background-color:#e1dac7}
* html .RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow .rgSorted{background-color:#e1dac7}

.RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow td

.RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgSelectedRow td.rgSorted

.RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgActiveRow td.rgSorted,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgHoveredRow td.rgSorted

.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow td,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditRow td.rgSorted

.RadGrid_Custom .rgDrag


.RadGrid_Custom .rgFooterDiv,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFooter

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFooter td
 border-color:#cabaab #e1dac7 #f1e9dc #e1dac7;


.RadGrid_Custom .rgPager .rgStatus
 border:1px solid;
 border-color:#cabaab #cabaab #f1e9dc #cabaab;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgStatus div


.RadGrid_Custom .rgPager

.RadGrid_Custom td.rgPagerCell
 border:1px solid;
 border-color:#cabaab #f1e9dc #f1e9dc;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgInfoPart

.RadGrid_Custom .rgInfoPart strong

.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageFirst
 background-position:0 -550px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageFirst:hover
 background-position:0 -600px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPagePrev
 background-position:0 -700px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPagePrev:hover
 background-position:0 -750px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageNext
 background-position:0 -850px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageNext:hover
 background-position:0 -900px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageLast
 background-position:0 -1000px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgPageLast:hover
 background-position:0 -1050px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgPager .rgPagerButton
 border-color:#b97322 #9d5d13 #824703;
 background:#f4be77 repeat-x 0 -1550px url('Grid/sprite.gif');
 font:12px/12px "segoe ui",arial,sans-serif;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a:hover,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a:hover span,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage span
 background:no-repeat url('Grid/sprite.gif');

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a:hover
 background-position:100% -1250px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a:hover span
 background-position:0 -1150px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage:hover
 background-position:100% -1450px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage span,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgNumPart a.rgCurrentPage:hover span
 background-position:0 -1350px;

/*sorting, reordering*/

.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader .rgSortAsc
 background-position:3px -247px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgHeader .rgSortDesc
 background-position:3px -197px;

 background:0 0 no-repeat url('Grid/sprite.gif');

 background-position:0 -50px;


.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterRow

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterRow td
    border:1px solid;
    border-color:#e1dac7 #e1dac7 #89806b;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilter
 background-position:0 -300px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilter:hover
 background-position:0 -350px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterActive,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterActive:hover
 background-position:0 -400px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgFilterBox
 font:12px "segoe ui",arial,sans-serif;

/*filter context menu*/

.RadMenu_Custom .rgHCMClear,
.RadMenu_Custom .rgHCMFilter
 background:#ded7c6 center -23px repeat-x url('FormDecorator/ButtonSprites.png');
 font-family:"segoe ui",arial,sans-serif;

.RadMenu_Custom .rgHCMClear:hover,
.RadMenu_Custom .rgHCMFilter:hover
 border-color:#bd8b2b #ad7e22 #9c6f18;
 background-position:center -67px;

/*context menu*/

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rmLeftImage

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMSortAsc .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 0;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMSortDesc .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -40px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMUnsort .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -80px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMGroup .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -120px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMUngroup .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -160px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMCols .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -200px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMFilter .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -240px;

.GridContextMenu_Custom .rgHCMUnfilter .rmLeftImage
 background-position:0 -280px;


.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel
 border-bottom:1px solid #504b41;
 background:#afa79a 0 -1900px repeat-x url('Grid/sprite.gif');

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel td

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel td td

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel .rgSortAsc
 background-position:4px -144px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupPanel .rgSortDesc
 background-position:4px -94px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgUngroup
 background-position:0 -7000px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupItem
 border:1px solid #904c23;
 background:#e38443 0 -6500px repeat-x url('Grid/sprite.gif');

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupHeader

.RadGrid_Custom .rgGroupHeader td
    padding:0 8px;

.RadGrid_Custom td.rgGroupCol,
.RadGrid_Custom td.rgExpandCol
 background:#a39787 none;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpand
 background-position:5px -496px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCollapse
 background-position:3px -444px;


.RadGrid_Custom .rgEditForm
 border-bottom:1px solid #cabaab;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgUpdate
 background-position:0 -1800px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCancel
 background-position:0 -1850px;


.RadGrid_Custom .rgDetailTable

/*command row*/

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandRow
 background:#585043 0 0 repeat-x url('Grid/rgCommandRow.gif');

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandCell

.RadGrid_Custom thead .rgCommandCell
 border-bottom:1px solid #36332c;

.RadGrid_Custom tfoot .rgCommandCell,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgMasterTable>tbody>tr.rgCommandRow .rgCommandCell
 border-top:1px solid #36332c;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandTable td
 padding:2px 7px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandTable
 border:1px solid;
 border-color:#968e7c #7c7669 #6d665a;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgCommandRow a

.RadGrid_Custom .rgAdd
 background-position:0 -1650px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgRefresh
 background-position:0 -1600px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgEdit
 background-position:0 -1700px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgDel
 background-position:0 -1750px;

.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpXLS,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpDOC,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpPDF,
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpCSV

.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpXLS
 background-position:0 0;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpDOC
 background-position:0 -50px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpPDF
 background-position:0 -100px;
.RadGrid_Custom .rgExpCSV
 background-position:0 -150px;

/*multirow select*/


/*row drag n drop*/

    border-top:1px dashed #71250a;


 border:1px solid #cabaab;


.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgHeader:first-child,
.RadGridRTL_Custom th.rgResizeCol:first-child,
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgFilterRow>td:first-child,
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgRow>td:first-child,
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgAltRow>td:first-child

.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageFirst
 background-position:0 -1000px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageFirst:hover
 background-position:0 -1050px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPagePrev
 background-position:0 -850px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPagePrev:hover
 background-position:0 -900px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageNext
 background-position:0 -700px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageNext:hover
 background-position:0 -750px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageLast
 background-position:0 -550px;
.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgPageLast:hover
 background-position:0 -600px;

.RadGridRTL_Custom .rgExpand
 background-position:-20px -496px;

Telerik team
answered on 31 Oct 2012, 09:49 AM
Hi Michal,

Some of the CSS rules in the custom and internal Skin files are with same specificity like the rules in the base CSS file. In such case it is important how the rules are ordered and if the base CSS rules are after the custom ones, they will override the skin styles. Therefore, you should load these files after them and you can use RadStyleSheetManager. For example
<telerik:RadStyleSheetManager ID="RadStyleSheetManager1" runat="server">
        <telerik:StyleSheetReference Path="Custom/Grid.Custom.css" />
        <telerik:StyleSheetReference Path="Custom/Input.Custom.css" />

Also, the better solution is to build a custom Skin assembly,  please refer to this pages for more info:

Additionally, you can use the following tool, which is provided from our customer

I hope this helps.

the Telerik team
If you want to get updates on new releases, tips and tricks and sneak peeks at our product labs directly from the developers working on the RadControls for ASP.NET AJAX, subscribe to their blog feed now.
Visual Style Builder
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Rank 1
Answers by
Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
Top achievements
Rank 1
Telerik team
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