is it possible to do the following?
I have a radgrid where one of the columns has the this values: Not Stared, In Progress, Complete, Ongoing
like this
No Status
1 Not Started
2 In Progress
3 Ongoing
4 In Progress
5 In Progress
6 Complete
I have a custom filter on the status column (a dropdown with 4 items) so I can filter on the 4 different types.
The Customer now wants a 5th item in the filter dropdown, and this 5th should get back all the records that are not Complete.
How could I make this happen?
is it possible to do the following?
I have a radgrid where one of the columns has the this values: Not Stared, In Progress, Complete, Ongoing
like this
No Status
1 Not Started
2 In Progress
3 Ongoing
4 In Progress
5 In Progress
6 Complete
I have a custom filter on the status column (a dropdown with 4 items) so I can filter on the 4 different types.
The Customer now wants a 5th item in the filter dropdown, and this 5th should get back all the records that are not Complete.
How could I make this happen?