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Custom Filter Layer Dao

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Fernando asked on 25 Jul 2012, 02:18 PM
I'm using RadGrid, but I'm customizing all your controls (such as paging, sorting, filtering), to make your lower load on the database, paging and sorting are already working perfectly, and I am implementing the filter, the more I realize that for there is no filter that allows a property to tell the grid that it requires no filter because the filter has been done on the data source, in my case in the dao layer.
My filter layer Dao already working as it should have over the need for custom filters in order to command characters in the filter, for example: "!ca" would equal the filter RadGrid DoesNotContain doing custom filter "ca" . More as I do this type of filter in the filter Dao is perfectly done deal because this character, the more it seems to me the Grid does its internal filter DataSource again I sent you, so does a filter! "ca" where column in datasouce already filtered so as not to bring these characters, showing no line in my filter. There is need because the company's legacy system already use such commands in the filter.

I think my problem can be solved easily if there is a way to not allow the Grid to do your internal filter after I give you back the data is already filtered.

I look forward to an answer.

Thank you for your attention.


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Maria Ilieva
Telerik team
answered on 30 Jul 2012, 12:07 PM
Hello Fernando,

You can disable the filtering option for some of the grid columns by setting their AllowFiltering property to False.
<telerik:GridHyperLinkColumn HeaderText="Edit" DataNavigateUrlFormatString="EditUser.aspx?user={0}"
 DataNavigateUrlFields="CategoryID" UniqueName="link" AllowFiltering="false" />

Kind regards,
Maria Ilieva
the Telerik team
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Maria Ilieva
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